Why the washing machine jumps: the cause of vibration

Why the washing machine jumps: the cause of vibration

Instructions are written for execution

How to install a washing machine so you don’t jump?

The main requirements for the floor at the place of installation of the washing machine are:

· High hardness – optimum concrete base;

· Lack of elastic elements and irregularities that provoke distortions and increase vibration when spinning the laundry;

· Rough surface of the base – this avoids slipping.

If, when these conditions are met, the question remains why the washing machine jumps, it may be worth checking the drum loading and the serviceability of all parts. With loading, everything is quite simple: the manufacturers of equipment indicate the optimal weight of the laundry for various operating modes, and you just need to follow reasonable recommendations: they have been verified when testing experimental models.

If the weight of the load is chosen correctly, but there is only one large item – a jacket, a blanket, the vibration problem is inevitable due to the concentration of weight in one place of the drum. As for the breakdowns, in the absence of understanding the reasons for the shaking, it is better to call the master, after examination he will be able to determine the cause.

The question of what to do to prevent the washing machine from jumping should be decided at the purchase stage: it may be worth purchasing a special anti-vibration mat or pads for the legs, they are usually sold along with the equipment.

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