Why the voices of some people like us and that of others annoy us

Why the voices of some people like us and that of others annoy us


The instrumentalist specialized in the voice Xevi Gata explains the keys to the transformative power of sound

Why the voices of some people like us and that of others annoy us

«There are many things that I can see and recognize when a person sings. I can see the level of technique of your instrument and of your musical knowledge. I can also feel their character, their feelings, their weaknesses, their virtues, their needs, their fears and their joys »… voice has a great power of transformation over emotional responses, According to Xevi Gata, a musician, instrumentalist specialized in the voice and singer who has investigated the transformative power of sound for more than 20 years.

The expert argues that the voice is “the mirror of the person and his soul” and that, in some way, it is the extension of the “I” which can also be called “center” or “essence”. Thus, as he explains, depending on the similarities from our “centers” we can feel closer or less to other people. That is why not everyone likes the same voice tones or makes them feel the same.

Broadly speaking, it can be said that a voice relaxes us because its “spoken range” oscillates in a few hertz that stimulates the relaxation. Also that pleasant sensation that a voice causes us could be related to the way that person expresses himself, his gestures, its rhythm in the words, its look, its listens or even the fullfilment of security requirements that expresses.

But when looking for an explanation about why some voices irritate or upset us, Xevi Gata refers to issues such as that the postage that voice can unconsciously remind us of someone with whom we did not have a good experience. This certain dislike can also be motivated by the fact that the pace is too fast or too slow or that it is not in line with our moment when it comes to communicating.

Other factors that can influence whether or not a voice is pleasant to us are, for example, that the voice spoken structure It is difficult to follow or understand, that the “micro melodies” that this person generates when they speak are not to our liking, or that their words stimulate thought in some way and do not allow us to focus on listening or attention.

Although these may be some examples, the expert indicates, however, that this perception depends more on the connection or empathy between the “center” or essence of the speaker and ours.

How to train your voice to transmit calm

Listening to our voice and using it as a self-learning tool will connect us with our esencia and we can transmit more calm. For Xevi Gata, who teaches these techniques at his school «Your essential voice», explains that it is not about wanting to pretend something that is not part of our essence, but rather to transmit «what one is, in the here and now ».

That is why he believes that self-study, internal listening, the acceptance of the essence, the understanding and the ability to discern what is essential of each one will be the keys for the voice to reflect who we are. «If you yourself are connected with your inner peace with your acceptanceBy recognizing his egocentric parts and leaving aside what is not part of his essence, he will be able to express himself and transmit good feelings with his voice, ”he reveals.

Some of the artists who have tried Xevi Gata’s techniques are Salvador Sobral, Alfred García from Operación Triunfo, Judit Neddermann and Rosalía.

The voice, a balm for the brain

Science affirms that when a person is in contact with music, voice and emotional or physical internal listening, their brain decreases the brain waves and it is transported to a less mental state that contributes to placing us, according to Xevi Gata, in a state of relaxation and, at specific moments, of deep calm.

The explanation is, according to the expert, in the following sequence: the brain receives the sensations of the spoken or sung tone in the prefrontal cortex, the rhythm and constant patterns are transferred to the left frontal cortex, the understanding of the word, the letters, vowels and consonants are directed to the Wernicke’s area located in the back of the left cortex. And while, brain activity is constantly plasticity helping neurotransmitters do their functions (control mood and sexual desire, reduce pain, boost the immune system, regulate anxiety, stimulate muscles …) in an easy and consistent way.

That is why the expert insists on the importance of maintaining a state of relaxation through voice and music, as this allows the body to stop constantly generating neurotransmitters to rebalance itself in the face of anxiety or discomfort.

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