Why the soles of the feet are burning: the reason and how to get rid of

Why the soles of the feet are burning: the reason and how to get rid of

The soles of the feet are burning. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very different: from banal fatigue to serious systemic disorders in the body. How to explain such an unpleasant symptom personally?

Why are the soles of the feet burning?

This unpleasant feeling, when the feet are on fire and you want to quickly take off your shoes and calm the heat, overtakes everyone to one degree or another. However, when such a phenomenon turns from a single phenomenon (for example, caused by a long walk, running around the shops or standing for a long time on your feet) into the category of regular ones, it’s time to think about what, in fact, causes it.

The sole of the feet burns in the following cases:

  • allergic to materials from which socks, stockings, shoes or even flooring are made;

  • vascular diseases: thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, endarteritis, autonomic dysfunction, some types of atherosclerosis;

  • fungus and bacterial infections;

  • flat feet;

  • dysfunction of the endocrine system – diabetes mellitus;

  • metabolic problems – gout;

  • lack of vitamins, especially those belonging to group B;

  • pregnancy;

  • uncomfortable, tight shoes.

When the soles of the feet burn at night and fatigue is excluded from a number of reasons, most likely you had to go through stress during the day. Severe mental stress, nervous exhaustion can also provoke a similar condition.

However, as the main reason to discount all of the above diseases, if the feet burn at night and interfere with sleep, it is still not worth it.

Are the soles of your feet burning? We ease the condition on our own

So, to be sure of the correct diagnosis, you need to see a doctor. If the cause of the phenomenon is known to us and is professionally confirmed, we can try to eliminate the feeling of discomfort with the help of simple means that will not run counter to the main direction of treatment.

So, we calm the burning soles of the feet with the following simple tricks:

  • contrast showers or baths – the water temperature should be comfortably tolerated, and the procedure itself should be pleasant. We change the water in 1-2 minutes, the séance duration is 10-15 minutes;

  • when the condition aggravates and the pain syndrome appears, contrast baths are made on the infusion of medicinal herbs (wormwood, calendula, chamomile). We prepare the infusion at the rate of 1 or 2 tablespoons per liter of boiling water. 10-15 such procedures will be required per day;

  • foot massage – self-massage is welcomed, when each finger is warmed up and all movements are performed from the tips of the fingers to the heel. You can walk on peas, fine gravel, or use the specially designed applicators.

Inside it is useful to use:

  1. hawthorn infusion (optimizes vascular permeability) – 2 tablespoons of dried chopped fruits or hawthorn flowers pour 300 ml of boiling water, let it brew, take 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals;

  2. infusion of horse chestnut (accelerates blood) – 2 tablespoons are poured with boiling water (0,5 l) and insisted in a thermos. Drink warm throughout the day.

Now you know why the soles of the feet burn. The reason usually lies in health problems. Once you become familiar with the solutions to this problem, it will be easier for you to overcome this condition by resorting to fairly simple and affordable means.

But, being carried away by self-medication, do not harm yourself and consult your doctor in everything.

Ph.D., traumatologist-orthopedist of the Semeynaya clinic

– Pain in the feet can occur against the background of problems with the musculoskeletal system. Flat feet can be at any age. You can get a consultation in an orthopedic salon, as a rule, they carry out free diagnostics of the feet there, after which they offer to make individual insoles. Flat feet can be caused by another disease, therefore, in order not to miss complications, you need to make an appointment with the surgeon. While it is not possible to go to the clinic, foot massage will help alleviate the condition: with one hand, grasp the joint of the thumb, the other – the little finger. Begin to massage your fingers in a circular motion towards each other, as if creating a C-shaped arc. Rolling a rolling pin or a ball will help. At this time, small joints, muscles work, ligaments are strengthened.

Olga Fomina, Anna Gerasimenko

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