Why the Internet of Things is the New Oil of the XNUMXst Century: Trends Podcast

What is the Internet of Things, how does it work, and what will our life in a smart city look like in twenty years? We discuss with experts in the podcast Trends “What has changed?”

In the seventh issue, we understand what the Internet of Things (IoT) is and speculate what the smart city of the future will look like. We found out how IoT works, talked about the security of connected devices and much more.

In the podcast, we are talking with Alexander Surkov, IoT development manager at Yandex.Cloud. He told if there is a difference between the home Internet of things and the industrial one, and also explained in detail what to do so that personal data from a device connected to the Internet does not leak anywhere.

Dmitry Stapran, PwC’s Director of Strategy and Operational Efficiency Practice in the Electricity Sector in our country, explained what a smart home is and what technologies it includes.

A few conversation highlights:

  • The Internet of Things that powers the smart kettle is no different from the IoT that powers the smart city. The technology is the same, but the security requirements are different;

  • At the moment, technology connected to the Internet is more of a marketing ploy. The consumer Internet of Things is still underdeveloped;

  • Thanks to IoT, technology manufacturers have a unique opportunity to track what is happening with their product at home. For example, a washing machine connected to the Internet, when leaking, can transmit data to the manufacturer about the malfunction of any part. This allows you to move to the “product as a service” model – that is, the client pays only for the time when he uses the thing;

  • The most important recommendation for the security of equipment connected to the Internet is to change the passwords set by default in factories and be careful about your personal data. However, one must understand that with the advent of more and more secure systems, more and more sophisticated methods of hacking them will be invented;

  • “Smart” home includes various technologies: video communication system, controllers, sensors for leakage, temperature, air conditioning, air supply, energy storage technology, etc.;

  • The concept of Smart City also includes a set of solutions – engineering, environmental, transport, security, lighting, etc. To better understand what a “smart” city is, you can visit the pavilion of the same name at VDNKh;

  • The Internet of Things will soon become commonplace, and no one will focus on the fact that their devices are connected to the Web;

  • According to one estimate, by the end of 2018, the global IoT market was about $650 billion. Then there were approximately 22 billion sensors – an average of three for every inhabitant of the Earth. By 2022, it is predicted that the market size will be about $1 trillion. For comparison: the volume of the world oil market ranges from $1,5 trillion to $3 trillion.

Listen to us on any convenient platform: Apple Podcasts, CastBox, Yandex Music, Google Podcasts, Spotify and VK Podcasts.

What else to read on the topic:

  • What is the Internet of Things?
  • Will we feel safe online in 2020
  • What will smart homes look like in ten years?
  • Powerful things: how houses and cities will turn into a semblance of a living organism
  • Internet of Things: what is it and where will it take us?
  • From toaster to drone. How the Internet of Things appeared and why it took off only 30 years later

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