Why the hardest work is self-improvement

Hello dear readers! Today we will try to figure out why the hardest work is work on yourself.

After all, this business requires not just motivation, internal resources and a clearly defined goal, but also a number of other important components. Which in a complex and allow you to achieve the desired results in promoting your own interests. So, let’s look at them in more detail.

So why is that?


It takes courage to face your own limitations and shortcomings. To admit that in some ways I fall short, but somewhere I make mistakes, so I have to gather my strength and start working on myself.

That is, it is not easy to change the style of behavior, which, for example, does not bring the desired results, but only moves away from the goal. But also look at the situation differently, so that a completely different vision appears, which will entail other reactions.

What, for example, has always irritated a husband, will become clear and cause, on the contrary, sympathy and a desire to support him.


Without willpower, too, nowhere. Especially in sports. Sometimes you have to make superhuman efforts to continue to complete the task despite not only laziness, but also pain. Because working on yourself is not a promise to start running on Monday, or go to training every six months, if you wish.

This is daily hard work, which sometimes seems completely inconclusive, useless. With many pitfalls that were not taken into account when deciding to dive.


In addition to courage, do not forget about the willingness to take risks. These two concepts are somewhat similar, but very different.

To gather your thoughts and take the first step towards change — you need not only to want them very much, but also to take responsibility for the result in advance. That is, it may not turn out the way you wanted. And then the new will not please, and the old will not return.

Why the hardest work is self-improvement


Unfortunately, not every person is able to listen to their own desires, needs, notice the feelings that arise, and so on. Why it often happens that at some stage of life he understands that I have lost my taste and do not know where I want to move, what to do.

It’s actually hard work, constantly keeping track of changes in your preferences. Especially if they are insignificant, but later they can play an important role.

We do not stand still, and the knowledge of the facets of our own personality can take a whole life. Just imagine how much work you have to do to get to know yourself a little?

This is only at first glance simple, but try to answer these questions:

  • What am I happy about?
  • What upsets me?
  • What helps me find peace?
  • Why do I love this person? What do I get so valuable from him that I can safely say that he is very dear to me?


Monotony causes boredom, someone does not know how to stay in a relationship, someone is unbearable to do monotonous work. Stability gives a sense of security, that in this world, in life, there is something that I can rely on. What will not disappear, will not dissolve in the air.

But not everyone can achieve it, which makes it more valuable.


And even though the process of self-development is quite difficult, and in some places overwhelming work, but who said that it would be easy?

Share your thoughts, we are interested in your opinion. We are all very different, with different life stories, so let’s try to answer this question together, why is it so difficult to work on yourself?

We also recommend reading an article on how to stop paying attention to the little things and stop being nervous about it.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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