It is good when the heating equipment heats uninterruptedly all winter. You do not have to intervene in the work, it remains only to enjoy the warmth and comfort. But it happens that in the coldest period, heating stops. Why does the gas boiler turn off? The reason may be in the malfunction of one of the nodes, which is why the automation blocks its work. You have two options: call a specialist or help yourself. Since the wait for the master may be delayed, use our recommendations.
Why does the heating boiler constantly turn off
Similar problems occur both in new, newly installed units, and those that have served for several years. The reason is external and internal factors. Often users complain that the boiler turns off and does not turn on after a long period of inactivity. For example, in the country, you start the device only upon arrival, which can cause the system to freeze.
The main causes of the problem lie in:
- Incorrect selection of power.
- Heating system or hot water supply (DHW).
- Smoke extraction unit.
- Gas line.
- Electrical part.
- Incorrect adjustment.
Both wall-mounted and floor-standing boilers are susceptible to malfunctions. What to do to eliminate them? Find the cause and try to fix it.
What to do if the boiler turns off
Consider typical problems and ways to solve them.
Inappropriate power
If the boiler often turns on and off, it is an excess of power. Yes, too much is as much of a problem as too little. A powerful device in a small room quickly warms up the area. Frequent shutdowns lead to wear of components, parts and rapid breakdown.
Before you buy equipment, consider the following factors:
- climatic conditions;
- area;
- quality of insulation;
- number of windows and doors;
- assignment of adjoining premises.
For large areas and private houses, the Baxi, Navien, Lemax, Danko outdoor equipment is suitable. Wall appliances fit into a small space of the apartment. These are Bosch, Ariston, Wismann, Beretta, Vaillant models.
But what if the boiler has already been purchased and installed? Do not go to the store for new equipment. Adequate solutions are needed:
- Installation in the hydraulic system of four-way valves.
- Modulation of the burner flame to the minimum mode.
- Inclusion in the boiler circuit. So the equipment will work not only for heating, but also for providing you with hot water.
Low pressure in the gas line
The problem is caused by malfunctions of the common line or frequent interruptions in the fuel supply.
- Blockage or breakdown of the gas meter. You may hear noise or other sounds while doing this. A good meter should change readings. If this does not happen, contact the master. Troubleshooting on your own is prohibited.
- Safety sensors have been triggered. Modern equipment is equipped with gas control, temperature sensors. If a fuel leak is noticed in the system, the operation of the boiler is blocked by itself. Apply soapy water to the connections to locate the leak. If bubbles appear, turn off the gas supply and open windows to ventilate. Call the gas service immediately.
- Clogged gas filter. Clean up.
Before the heating season, services check the condition of highways. And also calculate the gas supply. If your home is constantly experiencing power outages, report it to the gas service.
Chimney problems
Problems with the presence of traction occur during the operation of turbocharged and atmospheric boilers. In the first and second cases, freezing of the outer part of the chimney is characteristic. Along with the removal of combustion products, hot steam also comes out. It settles in the condensate, which freezes on the street. This blocks the air flow, so the device turns on and immediately turns off.
The way out: remove the frost and insulate the chimney. Then the drops will drain, and not freeze.
To check for draft, light a match and bring it to the control window. If the flame deviates to the side – there is thrust, it burns evenly – no.
Facts about blockages in stationary chimneys:
- The mine can become clogged with construction debris. These are pieces of pipe that break off under the influence of condensate.
- Insulated sandwich pipes are prone to peeling of the zinc coating. It looks like a film blocking the passage.
- The mine is clogged with soot, soot, garbage from the street, foliage.
- There were cases when birds made nests on the tops of the chimney.
For cleaning, it is better to contact the utilities. If the reason for the lack of traction is freezing, then the pipe will have to be insulated. In winter, this is difficult to do, so you can temporarily install a gas burner for heating.
There is a backlash
Then the flame is blown out by the wind, which is why the automation is cut down.
The situation is dangerous. In new boilers, control sensors are installed that turn off the work, and in old boilers, carbon monoxide can enter the room.
How to fix the situation:
- Checking the installation of the chimney. With insufficient height, there will be poor traction and wind blowing. It will help to increase the height by 50 cm above the roof ridge.
- It is recommended to mount fungi on the top of the pipe to avoid clogging. This is effective for solid fuel boilers. In the case of gas appliances, this is prohibited.
- Burning or damage to the pipe also leads to blowing. Repair or replacement will help.
- The lack of normal ventilation contributes to the extinguishing of the flame in atmospheric burners. Open the window so that air can normally enter the dual-circuit unit.
Should the unit shut down if there is a problem with the air flow? Of course, this is what protective automation is designed for. Without ventilation, the burner will go out, which means that the gas will flow into the room. What contributes to disruption:
- Sealed plastic windows.
- Solid doors, without clearance from below.
- Powerful hood that sucks in a lot of air.
Compliance with the rules for the room will help to avoid problems. A ventilation valve can be mounted in the window frame. And to compensate for the powerful hood, organize a natural influx from the street.
Automation fails
Turbo chambers include a fan. It forcibly diverts combustion products to the street through a coaxial chimney. If the fan fails, the device will stop functioning.
- Run fan diagnostics.
- Clear its blades of blockage.
- Inspect wiring, replace damaged items.
If the burner goes out intermittently, check the draft sensor. If there is a problem, install a new sensor.
Network failures
Interruptions and power surges in the network are also fixed automatically. As a result, the heating stops, but as soon as the voltage is restored, everything starts up again. Experts recommend installing UPS – uninterruptible power supplies. Why does the uninterruptible switch turn off? It can be discharged during a long power outage.
If there are frequent problems with the power supply in your area, choose independent gas boilers.
Incorrect installation of the pump
If the natural circulation of the coolant was previously provided, and now you decide to install a pump, then do it according to the rules. Incorrect installation leads to system failures. Appliances stop heating, hot water is turned off, radiators cool down. If you have not done the installation before, it is better to contact a specialist.
No room thermostat
When the design provides for the presence of an external thermometer, the operation of the equipment becomes convenient and economical. The unit starts when the temperature in the house drops. If there is no thermostat, when the water is heated, the device picks up the temperature and turns off. But as soon as the coolant cools down, the device turns on again.
The fact is that the liquid cools faster than the air in the room, so the fuel is wasted. Installing a thermostat will help to avoid such problems.
Technical problems
Does the heating equipment keep turning off? Check burner function:
- There is no ignition, or the flame immediately goes out. Clean the nozzles from soot with a brush, bleed excess air from the system. Check the location of the ignition electrode, clean it when oxidized.
- After a short burning, the flame goes out. I need diagnostics of the ionization electrode.
- Separation of the flame, while the nozzle is noisy. Adjust the gas supply. There may be high draft or air flow from the ventilation.
If there is no water when opening the faucet, clean the filters and check that the heat exchanger is working. With build-up of scale, it can overheat. Then the pressure decreases, and the work is blocked by a temperature sensor. Remove build-up from coil tubes.
The causes of failure are not only factors beyond the control of the consumer. First of all, your attitude to equipment, care for it, proper installation affects. It is recommended to inspect blocks and units of equipment once a year.