Why the consumption of erotic toys has grown

Why the consumption of erotic toys has grown


The relationship with our body, and with others, has changed dramatically since the beginning of the pandemic

Why the consumption of erotic toys has grown

Oh, the Covid-19, we can already say that everything has changed as we knew it. Now that the “new normal” is nothing more than normality, that it seems that the masks are no longer unusual and that the hydrogel is a natural extension of the arm, we realize the differences between our lives today, and a year ago. And just as the way we go shopping, to the movies or to the gym has changed, the way we interact with others has also changed; especially in the love sphere.

If you have a partner, you can no longer give kisses while you are on the street, or you have to build up the courage to see the other, if you do not live together. And those singles, little by little adapt to this situation, in which it is imperative to meet people online, and you have to take more “precautions” than you did before.

Therefore, as we leave 2020 and enter a new year, there are several studies that highlight this paradigm shift. For example, a fact that the brand of erotic toys LELO leaves: during the past year its sales of these products have increased by 20% in Spain. “In fact, ours is the third country in Europe that has bought more products this year, only after the United Kingdom and France,” they indicate. The brand’s experts say that, having spent more time alone, this “has helped us explore our body, and many people have been encouraged to do so with products of this type.” The data they provide is that, during the last weeks of March and the month of April, with respect to the same period of the previous year, their sales increased by 40%. Also, there is a tendency for “open-mindedness”. According to data from a survey by WOW Tech, a group of companies focused on sexual well-being, our willingness to try something new in our sex life it is higher now than during the first confinement, the increase being 25%.

Online dating, every day more normal

But changes have not only been seen in this area. Although they have not stopped having “traditional dates” during these months, a model of appointment «on the rise» is the online: more and more people decide to “meet” on Skype, or Zoom, and then if that, and to see each other in person. Although at first having a first date through the computer seems a bit bizarre, “these types of encounters help us assess the date from another perspective and feel more comfortable,” say the LELO experts.

If online dating has, of course, increased “sexual intercourse” it has also increased. The pandemic has blurred the boundaries between the physical and digital world. For this reason, many non-cohabitating couples have entered the world of maintaining relationships through a screen. Right on the other side of the scale, times prove that you suffer a small “sexual recession”. “Some studies show that we have less sex today than previous generations. This trend existed before the emergence of Covid-19 and will continue to do so in the coming months, “explain the professionals. For this reason, it is generally anticipated that in these times “the quality of our intimate relationships will prevail over the quantity.” “We will be more selective with our partners and, although sex will be less frequent, we will do everything possible to make it more satisfying,” they conclude.

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