Why the belly does not grow during pregnancy

The woman shared a selfie when she was six months old. It is unlikely that she imagined that they would write so many nasty things to her in the comments.

Looking at this girl, you really can’t say that she is already on a solid date. Nevertheless, the author of the photo, an Australian with a very exotic name Yiota Kuzukas, is indeed pregnant. The girl is 29 years old, and she is expecting her first child – at the screening she was already informed that there will be a boy.

It should be noted that Yiota’s Instagram account is quite popular. She has 210 thousand subscribers. This is because she is a fashion blogger and co-owner of a fashion brand. Therefore, there were always enough comments under her photos. However, it was under her “pregnant” pictures that the real hell began.

Every second follower of the girl considered it necessary to report that she had too small a belly. “Are you sure the child is developing normally? You definitely don’t need to see a doctor? ” – and these are the softest options. There were those who wrote bluntly: “I suppose you are on a diet, you take care of your figure, but you don’t think about the child at all! The belly cannot be so small for such a period! How I eat – I have a belly and even more! ” And similar things in the style of “What kind of mother are you?” Well, quite ill-mannered people assumed that Yiota was not really pregnant at all. And all these supposedly “pot-bellied” photos are nothing more than an attempt to attract more subscribers.

In the end, the girl lost her nerves. She decided to answer everyone at once, in order to permanently close the question with her “tiny” belly. And then those who trolled her felt very ashamed.

The fact is that in Yiota, endometriosis is a serious disease in which the endometrial cells grow too much. First, it hurts. Secondly, it really interferes with getting pregnant. Yiota and her husband honestly tried to conceive. She underwent treatment, underwent surgery. All to no avail. And after a year of fruitless attempts, they still succeeded. Imagine what it is like – a long-awaited pregnancy that you want to tell the whole world about, and an incredible stream of criticism in response.

“Due to illness, my uterus is at the wrong angle. My belly grows, but not outward, but inward, and at the same time presses on all other internal organs, ”explained Yiota.

And only in the fifth month of pregnancy, the belly began to grow as it should – the uterus nevertheless slowly tilted into a normal position.

“I don’t starve, I don’t go on a diet. I even had to give up sports – the muscles are too tense due to the wrong position of the uterus. Therefore, the doctor banned fitness, – laments Yiota. – I am perfectly healthy, my child too. This is the main thing. But you need to understand that all people are different. Everyone has different bodies. Miscellaneous health. You can’t equate everyone with the same size, ”Yyoti scolded the haters. We hope they are ashamed.

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