Why the bed should not be put in a corner and stored under it

There are 15 basic rules for decorating your bedroom to get the best sleep and feel truly refreshed.

In this room our day begins and ends. Therefore, it must be ideal to provide us with real rest, relaxation and complete harmony with ourselves and the world. And for this, the bedroom must comply with some rules that were formulated by feng shui experts.

1. Relaxation and romance

All items in the bedroom should correspond to the purpose of this room – it is relaxation and romance. If there are any extraneous things in it, they will distort the energy aimed at restoring vitality and introduce an imbalance in your relationship with your partner. And even religious symbols have no place in the bedroom. “Buddha shouldn’t see you naked,” say feng shui experts.

2. There is no place for work

Sleeping where you work is a bad idea. After all, work and rest are energetically opposite to each other. Of course, in a cramped apartment it is difficult to follow this rule. Experts advise: try at least to move the workplace away from the bed and obscure it with a screen or plant so that this ghost of everyday life is invisible in the dark.

3. Choose a neutral color

We have already talked in detail about the worst colors for the interior, you can read about them HERE. Feng Shui experts advise you to stay on neutral warm colors for the bedroom. And they warn: cool shades cool relationships, and warm ones create warmth and intimacy.

4. Question to the mirrors

If possible, it is better to remove the mirror from the bedroom altogether. Reflected energy returns to the room, creating an energy overload, making it harder for you to get enough sleep. In extreme cases, the mirror can be closed at night or placed so that it does not face the bed.

5. Male and female

In the bedroom, it is imperative to balance the yin and yang energies so that your relationship with your partner is truly harmonious. This can be done using the balance of textures. For Yin, female energy, soft things are responsible: rugs, rugs. And for a man’s, Jan, – hard, for example, parquet on the floor, a wooden headboard.

6. Blackout curtains

The moment when science is official in full agreement with the ancient teaching. The denser the curtains, the less light in the bedroom, the better we sleep. Darkness helps you relax and sleep soundly. And light interferes with the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

7. The door is visible

The bed should be positioned so that the door is in your field of vision. Of course, when we sleep, we see nothing at all except dreams, but energetically it is important. The thing is that in this way we symbolically keep under control who we let into our space. At the same time, experts warn: do not put the bed directly opposite the door and sleep with your feet in its direction. This makes you too vulnerable.

8. Focus on the ceiling

Attic bedroom – it may seem romantic, but feng shui experts strongly oppose sloped ceilings and beams in the bedroom. The fact is that such ceilings violate the distribution of energy in the room. The harmful energy of the sha is activated, which gradually erodes and depletes us.

9. Choice of decor

The pictures that you hang on the walls, decorative objects are all very important. After all, they are the first thing that you will see in the morning. These can be views that both you and your partner like, your joint photos, paired objects – they remove the energy of loneliness. But family photos, pictures of friends and pets from the bedroom are best removed.

10. Bed against the wall

However, few of us put the bed right in the center of the room. After all, the dimensions of ordinary apartments do not allow such luxury. This is for the best: the bed, pressed against the wall by the headboard, gives a feeling of security, reliability and care.

But in the corner, at the junction of two walls, you should not put a bed. In this position, one of the partners may feel cornered in your relationship.

And one more thing: bedside tables or nightstands should be the same height as your pillow, and certainly with rounded edges, without corners.

11. Don’t store things under the bed.

This is a setup! Many people store bed linen, winter clothes, suitcases, and other belongings under the bed. However, in terms of energies, everything under the bed also passes through you. Therefore, it is not advised to keep anything there that can cause an emotional response. Ideally, the energy should move freely under and around the bed. The maximum that can be stored under it is bed linen.

12. Electronics negative

Do not keep TVs, laptops, or other gadgets in the bedroom. Firstly, even a small light on the front panel will knock you sleep. Secondly, if someone in the house is sick or hypersensitive, the electromagnetic fields will further worsen the situation. And even the router at night is advised to turn off so that the waves do not disturb your peace.

13. Wooden headboard

Feng Shui experts believe that this is the best thing you can think of for a bed – a wooden frame and headboard. Alternatively, the headboard can be soft. Such furniture even conceals the influence of electromagnetic waves, improving your well-being and sleep.

14. No sport

Exercise machines, resistance bands, dumbbells – if you have all this at home, we applaud you in unison. If you still use all of this, we give a standing ovation. Just do not keep sports equipment in the bedroom, because the energy of sports is the opposite of the energy of sleep.

15. Change Energy

We have no doubt that you change your sheets on a regular basis. But this is not enough to reset the energy in the bedroom. It is worth updating the bedding and washing the walls once a year. “Who is washing the walls now? Maximum – we repaint them or glue new wallpapers. And instead of washing away all unnecessary things, bringing in positive energy, we continue to live in closed energy cycles, ”experts say.

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