Why the apple tree does not bloom and bear fruit: 9 reasons

  • Young tree

It may seem that the tree has already grown and should bear fruit. However, it is important to have an idea of ​​the intricacies of the variety. Perhaps you have such a type of apple tree that it only produces a harvest in the sixth or seventh year. These varieties include “Solnyshko”, “Suislepskoe”, “Anis Aly”, “Anis Polosaty”, “Autumn Striped”, etc.

  • Incorrect fit

If the tree is not blooming, it may be too deeply planted. Then he will have to gain strength longer to get stronger. Due to the deepening of the seedling, the tree may also get sick. Therefore, you need to plant the apple tree so that the root collar (the place where the roots go into the trunk) is not buried in the ground.

  • Unsuccessful landing site

It is not recommended to plant apple trees in a shaded area with an abundance of groundwater. Otherwise, it will not have enough light or the roots will begin to rot – in the first case, the fruit will not wait, in the second tree it may even die.

  • Disadaptation to climatic conditions

The plant can spend all its energy to adapt to the local weather. For example, a southern apple variety will not fully develop in a sharply continental climate. In this case, you should not wait for the harvest for several years.

  • Incorrect trimming

Here you need to understand where the golden mean is. Heavy pruning or lack of pruning can adversely affect the crop. In total, there are three types of pruning: sanitary, anti-aging and crown shaping. After that, the fruits become larger, yield increases and even frost resistance increases. The ideal time for this procedure is March. It is important that the weather is at least 5 degrees below zero. In no case should you prune apple trees in April, in the process of sap flow. The tree may die.

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