White poison and sweet poison – this is how the heroine of Lyudmila Gurchenko in the film “Love and Doves” called salt and sugar. These products are undoubtedly harmful, but giving up on them is a daunting task for many.
Unsalted and unsweetened food won’t go into your mouth? Then at least know the consumption rate of these “white killers”. Of course, salt and sugar have some benefits as well. But, as they say, a medicine and a poison have one difference – the dose. This is what the plot of the program “On the most important thing” told about.
It is not sugar itself that is harmful, but the forms that contain it. We often consume refined foods, which is harmful.
You ate some sugar, and the level in the body jumped by 4 millimoles, followed by insulin. Receptors in the body stall when there is a lot of insulin, they do not perceive it. This is the basis not only for type XNUMX diabetes, but also for many cancers.
If you eat vegetables and fruits, then sugar from them is absorbed slowly. That is, you eat the same amount of sugar, but its level, which means that the level of insulin rises more slowly, so there is much less harm.
We often hear about the benefits of honey. It really contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, but excess honey is just as harmful to the body as white refined sugar!
Due to an excess of sugar, diseases such as obesity, diabetes, kidney damage, osteoporosis, cataracts, and tooth decay can occur. Also sugar accelerates the aging process.
Unfortunately, there are no norms for sugar consumption. But there are forms of it that do the most harm. You need to know about them. It is the added sugar that is harmful. If you eat vegetables and fruits that contain sugar, this is normal, this type of sugar is well absorbed. However, adding sugar to tea, baked goods, etc., you harm the body. Bitter chocolate is considered the least harmful product, but the cocoa content there must be at least 70%. Bitter chocolate is useful for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases.
When we say salt, we mean sodium. Its daily consumption rate is 6 g, or one teaspoon. We consume an average of 12 grams of salt, and this is only the fraction that can be measured. If we only consumed the salt that we see, it would be half the trouble. But salt is found in high amounts in many common foods: breads, sausages, frozen meats, and fish.
It is important to remember that 6 g of salt is the norm for healthy people. For those over fifty, with diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney or liver disease, no more than 4 grams of salt per day is allowed. Fighting the food industry, which adds salt everywhere, is pointless, but we can still do something.
First, you need to throw out the salt shaker. It is important to remember: excessive salt intake leads to stomach cancer, stroke, heart attack, glaucoma, and kidney disease.
But you can’t live without salt. When there is not enough salt in the body, a person can have seizures, from which they can die. Therefore, do not drink a lot of water – it helps to remove salt (sodium) from the body. Drinking 2 liters of water a day is a dangerous delusion for many. If you want – drink, but remember: the minimum water consumption rate is 0,5 liters.
What can be said in favor of salt? Russia is a country with severe iodine deficiency. And iodized salt is one of the few sources of iodine.
In short, eat healthy food and be healthy.