Why store onions in tights, storing potatoes

Why store onions in tights, storing potatoes

It is always a shame when crops or food purchased in reserve deteriorate faster than we can eat them. We have collected vegetable life hacks that will help keep vegetables fresh for a long time.

Growing potatoes or tomatoes is half the battle. Now we must somehow manage to save them. If everything is clear with tomatoes, cucumbers and berries – they have a direct road to banks, then with potatoes and onions everything is more complicated. The first strives to turn green or start to rot, and the second – to germinate. But now is the time to stock up on vegetables, while the season and they are nowhere cheaper! However, there are ways to keep potatoes, onions, and other dacha gifts fresh and safe all winter.

Yes, satirists scoffed at this habit of our grandmothers, and for foreigners, the bow, packed in old nylon stockings, caused bewilderment and a slight shock. But not for long. Now even enlightened Europeans do this – on the advice of experts from the Good Housekeeping website. With two caveats: light tights are needed (in dark ones, the onions can begin to grow due to lack of sunlight), and nodules must be made between the bulbs. That is, we put the onion – we tie a knot, then we put the next one. We hang the resulting onion “leg” in a cool dry place. This storage method ideally protects the onions from rotting due to good ventilation. And getting the bulbs is very simple – you just need to cut off the next one with scissors.

Suddenly, right? Apples are actually a very tricky fruit. They have no place in a vase and in the refrigerator next to other fruits: apples emit ethylene gas, which accelerates the ripening of the fruit. Because of this, they can quickly over-ripe and deteriorate. But apples work differently with potatoes. The same ethylene protects potatoes from rotting. Therefore, throw a few apples into the basket or net with tubers, and you can not worry about its safety until spring. Three more conditions for storing potatoes: the place should be dark so that the tubers do not turn green (under the influence of sunlight, solanine poison is formed in the potatoes), cool and dry.

3. Fruits and vegetables – away from each other

Not only apples have the ability to accelerate the ripening of other fruits. Bananas, avocados, and peaches can do this too. Therefore, it is best to store them separately from other vegetables and fruits. Unless, of course, you want to make them run faster. Avocados, tomatoes, mangoes, melons and apples ripen well at room temperature. But grapes, citrus fruits and berries need to be cooled, they quickly deteriorate outside the refrigerator. Nectarines and mangoes ripen well next to bananas. But as soon as they ripen, they also need to be put in the refrigerator. But garlic in the refrigerator does not belong at all – there it quickly sprouts and dries out. It should be kept in a dry and dark place wrapped in paper.

Yes, even purchased ones. If you are not in the mood for eating berries right now, do not wash them – washed them will last much less. The point is that moisture contributes to the rapid growth of bacteria. Therefore, berries and rot faster. Although it would seem that cleanliness is a guarantee of health. By the way, this is not the only product that does not need to be washed. There are seven more products, you can read about them in detail HERE.

5. Make the celery crunch

Few people eat an entire bunch of celery in one go. Much more often, he quietly fades in the refrigerator in anticipation of his finest hour, which sometimes does not come. But there is a way to prolong the life of celery by keeping it crispy. You need to wash it, dry it and wrap it tightly with foil, leaving one end open to allow air to penetrate. In this form, celery can lie for two weeks without losing its attractiveness. Salad can also prolong life. You do not need to wash it, but you need to wrap it in paper or parchment for baking, put it in a container and close it tightly with a lid or cling film. The less contact with water and air, the better for the iceberg and arugula.

Green onions are very convenient to store in the freezer in a water bottle. Just cut the feathers as you like, pour it into the bottle, close the lid and freeze it. Whenever you need a serving of onions, simply shake the bottle and add as much as needed. How best to freeze other greens, you can read HERE. There, under the link, you will find tips on what should not be stored in the freezer, and which products, on the contrary, will be grateful to you.

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