Why spinach is useful for the human body, facts, video

😉 Greetings to regular and new site visitors! This article contains interesting information on how spinach is useful for the human body, and for whom it is contraindicated.

The leaves of this famous plant are widely used in national cuisines of many countries of the world. In France, spinach is adored. The French say about him: “This is the king of vegetables” and “Stomach broom”. The popularity of garden spinach in Russia is growing every year.

Spinach became cultivated a long time ago, about 2000 years ago. The exact place of his birth has not been established, and he lives without a registration. In short, a bum! There are suspicions that he appeared in Persia (Iran) or the Caucasus, and maybe in Afghanistan or Central Asia.

In Iranian the word “spinach” means “green hand”. Indeed, its delicate leaf is very similar to a hand.

Why spinach is useful for the human body, facts, video

Spinach: chemical composition

Fresh and juicy leaves of this plant contain 90% water! 100 grams of greens contains:

  • calories – 23;
  • fats – 0,4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 3,5;
  • proteins – 3,0;
  • cholesterol – 0,0;
  • sodium – 80 mg;
  • potassium – 550 mg;
  • fiber 2,2 g
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins: A, C, D, B6, B12, PP;
  • trace elements: Fe, Mg, Ca, P, Na, Se, Cu, Zn, Mn.

Benefits of spinach

See what this “green healer” can do:

  • cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  • strengthens intestinal motility;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • increases immunity;
  • is an antioxidant;
  • helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • stabilizes blood cholesterol;
  • helps with migraines and hypertension;
  • participates in hormonal synthesis;
  • improves gas exchange in cells and tissues;
  • normalizes appetite;
  • useful for obesity;
  • cleanses and nourishes the skin (masks);
  • stimulates the production of testosterone in men;
  • used in dietary meals for weight loss;
  • fights anemia;
  • useful and needed during pregnancy;
  • has a beneficial effect on blood vessels;
  • slows down the development of the tumor;
  • has diuretic and laxative properties;
  • thanks to its calming effect, it helps with stress;
  • the presence of lutein has a beneficial effect on the retina;
  • frozen does not lose its healing properties!

Spinach: contraindications

Unfortunately, the “King of Vegetables” has its drawbacks. It is important to know that spinach contains a high concentration of oxalic acid, which tends to accumulate in the kidneys and joints. Spinach is not recommended for food:

  • with rheumatoid abnormalities;
  • gout;
  • with increased acidity of the stomach;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • liver failure;
  • with inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis);
  • cholecystitis.
Spinach. Benefit and harm.

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