
Of all the challenges that have put us in front of us since the crisis began as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, one of the greatest is reinventing the way we relate to others. In a society like ours, in which physical contact is part of our day-to-day life, and in which our social relationships are one of the nuclei of our life, we have had to turn this around: learn to see each other less, and talk more in other ways.
«We are social series, our body activates through touch. From youth, when we are already aware of reality, social interaction is basic. We want to feel included in a group, because it gives us a sense of security “, explains Antonio Ruiz, advisor in Applied Neuroscience and Biotechnological Integration.
Our need to belong to a group is such that, says the expert, we have created these environments artificially, with cities and communities. «99.99% of the population wants to have company. If from time to time we want to be alone, that does not mean that we are not social, “he says. Explain then that we relate to others and create groups, in which we group by our affinities. “We get together with those who have desires similar to ours, be they culinary, cultural or political, for example. This makes us feel integrated into an environment “, he explains and gives an example:” Those people who feel displaced from a group end up having problems in the emotional sphere, and it even affects them physically “.
Can technology make up for the lack of human contact?
In times like these new technologies have become a fundamental part of human interactions. “The online world has multiplied social interaction, but we cannot say that it replaces it,” says Antonio Ruiz. He explains that technology can mitigate the negative effects of the lack of social interaction, but it cannot make up for it, because although right now it is based on visual and auditory stimuli, the rest are missing.
«Virtual relationships are not the same: you don’t feel pain, or love in the same way. Although they create close relationships, it is not the same, “says the expert who points out many people, especially the youngest, can become overly dependent on these virtual relationships, and become addicted. «They bring us pleasure and recognition, but you have to know that a like It does not mean that they love you more: it is not a substitute for a real relationship, ”he says.
The advisor in Applied Neuroscience and Biotechnological Integration, Antonio Ruíz, explains that, as a result of the situation produced by Covid-19, three major changes are going to take place in our society.
1. You will continue to increase the use of technology and digitization. “There are more users, consumers … both personally and professionally, it will continue to grow,” confirms the expert.
2. «Unfortunately there is going to be a big difference between social classesNot so much because of the economic aspect, but rather the difference in training in the field of knowledge and skills with technology, ”says Antonio Ruiz.
3. It is going to increase awareness about the importance of health in our lives. “We have seen a virus arrive, and the system that seems so solid, collapses. You have to invest more in research, and this can be linked to a greater concern for the environment and sustainability, “he explains.
If we focus on some of the current scenarios, it is inevitable to mention teleworking. The first thing Antonio Ruiz notices is that, when we speak of teleworking now, we are referring to a situation that, in reality, has nothing to do with “real” teleworking. “We are in a situation that forces us to work at home (if we are lucky enough to be able to do so), but replicating a mold. If I work from 8 to 3 at the office, the same thing happens at home. Actually, teleworking is developing your work activity in parallel with your life: You do not have a fixed schedule, but a series of objectives, “he explains.
“What you see is that if we telework, during the working day we only spend 10% of it interacting with our colleagues”, says the expert. This results in that swe understand less integration in the company, and we feel more insecure. We talk less with our bosses and colleagues, we do not receive a feedback and we began to doubt ourselves and our work. «They are doubts caused by loneliness; there is no social interaction and everything is emotionally flatter, ”warns Antonio Ruiz, who points out that we cannot compare an email, or a text message, with a conversation.
Not only telework, but the general situation, makes us live in constant uncertainty, where our social relationships are directly affected. Therefore, the expert leaves a series of tips to better cope with the situation, and curb its negative consequences:
—It is important to maintain healthy habits. «If on a normal day you got up, showered, put on makeup and went to work, even if you’re at home you have to keep doing it. This gives our brain security.
– Must focus on official information and the one that we can control, so as not to increase the uncertainty we feel.
— Empathize more in essential. “With the people we live with, and with everyone, it is important to express how we feel and understand how they feel. You have to empathize a lot: it is not easy to live together for so long.
– Must findr bubbles of peace and calm, have new habits, start walking, put music on for a while…. “This is important, not only because it is creating new habits, but because Covid-19 affects less people with better physical condition.”
— Use the technology at our fingertips. Although we already used the online world constantly, these last few months have taught us its importance, and the need to adapt and learn from it.