In the garden or garden plot, when growing vegetables and fruits, one cannot do without a special set of tools. A shovel is one of the most popular tools that is used for a wide variety of purposes: planting, transplanting, loosening, etc. And it is important that it is always sharp. Sharpening a shovel is carried out as needed and raises some questions for many gardeners. This article will try to answer them.
Sharpening features
Surely someone wondered: “why are shovels sharpened sharply”? It should be noted here that the sharper the iron cutting part of the shovel, the easier it will be to use the tool for its intended purpose. Therefore, it is necessary to sharpen at regular intervals so that work in the garden or in the garden is more comfortable and convenient.
In addition, you need to know that tool sharpening has certain features. They lie in the physics of the process, which is determined by the quality of the material of the product. Shovels today are made from iron of varying quality. More expensive models are made of high-quality alloy steel, which keeps its sharpness longer, but cheap products blunt much more often. The physics of sharpening, as well as the chemical composition of the alloy used to produce the iron part of the shovel, determine the sharpening method that is most effective in each particular case.
The quality and physics of sharpening is determined not only by the quality of the product and the experience of a person, but also by the chosen technique. To date, in order to give the shovel the desired sharpness, the following tools are used:
- file;
- grinder or angle grinder;
- sandpaper with a grinder.
Let’s consider each method in detail in terms of the features and physics of the grinding process.
The use of a file is the most traditional and standard method. The advantages of using this tool include:
- the file is always at hand;
- it is small;
- affordable cost;
- ease of use;
- excellent sharpening quality.
As a result of the use of a file, it is possible to obtain an excellent quality working edge of a shovel. In addition, during the sharpening process, it is possible to constantly control the thickness of the metal layer that is removed. Thus, we will obtain a uniform thickness of the metal in the lateral and frontal planes. In this case, you can get the most optimal physics in the operation of a garden tool.
Separately, it should be noted that during the use of the file, the metal does not heat up, as a result of which its physical and mechanical properties do not change. In the situation of using other methods of sharpening, these parameters cannot always be kept unchanged and, as a result, the shovel may begin to become dull much more often.
Sharpening with a file occurs according to the following scheme:
- blade fixation. It should be firmly fixed and not move. Many use a vise for fixing. But here, be careful with the fixation force, otherwise you can damage the stamped blade;
- choose a file with a large notch;
- we process the front part of the edge with the tool.
As a result, you will carry out the first, rough processing of the shovel. Remember that this process should be carried out only on the front side of the cutting part. The file is moved towards the handle from the edge of the blade.
After rough work with a file with a large notch, we arm ourselves with a file with a fine mesh and carry out fine sharpening. At this stage, the blade thickness is adjusted to 0,5-0,6 mm. The angle of the grinding movements should be approximately 40-45 degrees. Keeping this angle will help you avoid premature abrasion of the blade. Remember that the width of the processed edge should not be more than 5 mm. Make sure that the thickness of the blade is uniform along its entire length. Otherwise, thinner sections will dull faster, which will have a bad effect, so to speak, on the working potential of the shovel.
Video “Sharpening by folk methods”
In today’s world, many people prefer power tools. This allows you to automate and simplify many work processes, including sharpening blunt tools. The Bulgarian has gained the greatest popularity in this matter.
The advantages of using a grinder include the following points:
- the speed of the process;
- ease and convenience of using the grinder.
If you spend some time with a file to bring the shovel into working condition, then you can do it with a grinder in just a couple of minutes. But here one should be extremely careful and accurate in order to prevent the blade metal from heating up and changing its physicochemical properties. As a result of heating, the metal softens, and this, in turn, can lead to blunting of the cutting edge, as well as to breakage of the main part of the tool.
In addition, the assumption of overheating of the metal will make the sharpening procedure more frequent. As a result, the edge will wear out much faster and you will need a new shovel for the next season.
But there are still more minuses in using a grinder than pluses. The negative aspects of its use include:
- high cost of the tool;
- complexity of control;
- the need for experience with a grinder;
- the possibility of overheating of the edge metal;
- the impossibility of clear control over the resulting edge thickness;
- the appearance of chips and burrs on the metal. And this is traumatic;
- the possibility of deterioration of the physico-chemical properties of the metal;
- difficulties in the further operation of the shovel in case of violation of the grinding process.
Thus, using the grinder, you must very carefully monitor the speed of the grinder. Here you should also fix the shovel well. Edge processing in this case is carried out from the bottom up. Moreover, sharpening the rear part is needed only for shovels. Remember, you need to press the grinder on the edge only slightly.
Sand paper
Another method of sharpening a bayonet is to use sandpaper along with an emery machine. This method allows you to get the optimal processing speed, as well as high quality and sharpness of the cutting part of the tool. Adjusting the speed of the machine will help you achieve the required thickness in the shortest possible time.
When using a machine tool and sandpaper to get a sharp edge, the main thing is to fix the shovel with high quality and firmly. Vices won’t work here. In this situation, it is necessary to use a special stop. First, a rough sharpening is carried out, and then a finishing one.
Whatever type of tool you choose to improve the sharpness of a shovel, always follow safety precautions and operating rules. Only in this way will you achieve a positive effect.
Video “Sharpening a bayonet shovel”
If your farming process has noticeably deteriorated, use the cutting sharpening tips that you will find in the video.