Why should you eat pumpkin? Halloween symbol source of protein and zinc
Why should you eat pumpkin? Halloween symbol source of protein and zincWhy should you eat pumpkin? Halloween symbol source of protein and zinc

Although the pumpkin is mainly associated with the American Halloween holiday, it is worth reaching for it not only for decorative purposes. Its nutritional properties and richness of ingredients essential for the body can have a great effect on our health. Its seeds help, among others, in getting rid of parasites and deworming the body, while the flesh is a source of vitamins, zinc and few calories, which makes it an ideal option for people who care about their figure. These are just some of its properties. So, when pumpkin is in season, be sure to try it in all sorts of dishes!

It is worth knowing that the more intense the color of the pumpkin flesh, the more valuable ingredients there are. Pumpkins have a number of vitamins: B1, B2, C, A, PP, as well as beta-carotene and many minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron. We also find vitamin E in them, called the vitamin of youth, because it improves the removal of free radicals from the body (causing its aging), and also maintains its proper hydration. The presence of beta-carotene converts it into vitamin A, which is known to protect against vision defects, cancer and the development of rickets in the youngest.

The way to health problems. What can pumpkin help with?

  • For diabetes – the substance present in the flesh of this plant successfully replaces insulin. It regulates its activity, thus lowering the level of sugar in the blood and oxygen free radicals. However, the point here is to consume the pulp extract in figleaf pumpkin, because pumpkin itself has a high glycemic index (75) and will not be recommended for people with diabetes.
  • For heart – the beta-carotene present in it is a way to deal with hypertension and heart problems. It lowers the level of bad LDL cholesterol, and at the same time prevents the accumulation of deposits and the formation of atherosclerosis. In addition, it has a regulating effect on blood pressure. It is an excellent vegetable for the prevention of heart and circulatory system diseases.
  • For cancer prevention – the above-mentioned beta-carotene is also a strong antioxidant, i.e. an antioxidant that eliminates free radicals in the body. It inhibits oxidation processes and thus prevents the formation of cancer. According to scientists, regular consumption of pumpkin dishes reduces the risk of lung, breast, colon and stomach cancer.
  • For parasites – here pumpkin seeds will help, which contain a valuable substance that protects against bacteria and other microorganisms. This is why pumpkin has anti-parasitic properties and can be used as a natural remedy for worms. The most valuable substance is found in fresh seeds, which are the easiest to obtain in the autumn season.
  • For good eyesight – again, beta-carotene and vitamin A play a huge role here. They guarantee the proper functioning of the sense of sight, mainly at dusk, because beta-carotene acts as a component of the pigment present in the retina. It has also been proven that the consumption of this ingredient can work on the symptoms of cataracts, dry eye syndrome and macular degeneration.
  • For weight loss and acidification – This vegetable is very helpful in weight loss. It has valuable dietary fiber and low calories, and deacidifies the body and removes harmful toxins from it.
  • For men’s problems – it is also a way to deal with potency problems. Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds by men improves their sexual function, improves semen quality (increases fertility), and also helps with prostate diseases – it prevents prostate cancer and reduces it when it is enlarged.

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