Knowing the exchange rate of the euro and the dollar is, perhaps, the maximum that many Russians are capable of. Sometimes, in particularly difficult times, the price of a barrel of oil competes with the price of a currency. We can argue about politics with foam at the mouth, but calmly declare that the economy does not interest us. Are we missing something important in our lives?
“My husband often either jokingly or seriously reproaches me that I don’t even know the name of the prime minister. And I answer that we have everything at home and I do an excellent job with our home accounting. We don’t have debts. In my opinion, this is enough,” says 37-year-old Ekaterina.
In the family of 39-year-old Alexander, on the contrary, reports about the ruble exchange rate, government decisions are like reports from the front. Because he still has not paid off the foreign currency mortgage he took in 2008. And it is not known how he will be with work after the coronavirus pandemic.
Why such a different attitude to the economic agenda, despite the fact that the news about the decisions of the powerful of this world occupy the first places in the ranking of search engines?
Way to develop patience
It is normal to be interested in the world and state economy at the level of the layman, says psychologist Dmitry Berger.
It is at least useful to follow general trends: to know the situation with the main currency, oil indicators, in order to understand when it is better to make large purchases.
“For example, is it worth buying a car now or waiting a bit for the dollar to normalize. But it is important to understand that the economy is often influenced by political, difficult to predict phenomena that we cannot control 100%, otherwise financiers would never be wrong in their forecasts. This is about personal responsibility and an adult position.
If I have my own point of view and understand the information, then I am protected and can navigate the situation.
Often, the reluctance to dive into economic issues or engage in personal financial planning speaks of fears associated with the topic of survival.
“Apart from money, how can you plan trips with the whole family? 45-year-old Tatiana is surprised. — I always buy tickets in advance — at low prices, guess promotions, discounts on any purchases. Otherwise, we will not make ends meet — there are two children in the family, one is a schoolboy, the other is a freshman. So far, all the expenses are for my husband and me.”
“Planning helps you identify your values, understand your desires, and prioritize. But it also allows you to develop such an important adult quality as patience, which is very scarce during the period of microloans and loans at every turn,” the psychologist comments. — If I can move and achieve my goals, I need to calculate the forces and resources, in this case the budget. It tempers and gives a feeling of self-reliance.
Therefore, if you find it difficult to plan finances, you have a lot of emotional, spontaneous spending, it may be time to think about what you are losing as a result of this.
Fear of death
27-year-old Irina also has a loan, but “what does the news about the economy have to do with it”? She admits that the topic of money is by no means the main thing for her. So is it worth thinking about them? “I don’t know at all how much I have now on the card and in my wallet. I wanted to buy — I bought it, there is no money — well, it’s not necessary. ”
Not being interested in external processes at all is a manifestation of infantilism, shifting responsibility, Dmitry Berger believes.
And if you are interested in the economy, but at the same time there is a mess in your wallet, then this is also a marker of escape from reality.
“And deep down behind this is the fear of planning the future and the manifestation of an unconscious fear of death. The topic of money raises one of the most powerful questions — survival. That is why it is difficult for many to dive into it, to count, to plan. It’s easier not to know how much you have in your wallet than to face unbearable feelings.
And then there is a reason to work with this topic, preferably with the support of a psychologist. After all, behind any frightening limitation, as a rule, lies a resource: alone and in a state of anxiety, it is difficult to see it.
How to attract money and energy?
“In any matter relating to the way of life, it is important to remember about the internal attitudes: “live now”, and not save up for a “ghostly never”. Money is only a means to achieve our goals and desires, and not an end in itself.
Also, behind excessive immersion in the topics of economics, politics, there may be an attempt to control everything around. If you do not have a sense of support, you constantly expect bad things from life, then no amount of money can provide you with security and peace.
In any matter, it is important to find a middle ground and not to forget that our future depends on the present moment, on the quality of its living, ”the psychologist reflects.
What can affect wealth and the ability to keep the financial flow?
Vital activity, if it is manifested in a person’s position, in his ability to move forward and keep the vector of direction, will help in the implementation of any goals, Dmitry Berger believes. Money and our life energy are directly connected and influence each other. They are like communicating vessels.
“The more active a person is, the more it will affect his achievements, including in the financial sector. Sexuality as an instinct to conquer territory and procreate will also be a good driver for financial well-being. Conversely, the more apathetic a person, the less desire, motivation and resources. Sexuality, as the energy of pleasure from oneself, one’s body, is about a positive attitude towards oneself.
Can we say that it affects money? Certainly. A person who loves and respects himself will also choose a decent job, partners, pay for his work. A healthy attitude towards oneself, stable self-esteem is the guarantor of economic well-being.
But how to change the current situation if it does not suit us?
“Try to start planning a budget and research your consumer behavior,” Dmitry Berger suggests. — You can start keeping a list of expenses in any gadget application: calculating household purchases, all kinds of services and monthly expenses in order to understand what the main funds are spent on.
Add a section to your usual list for spending on pleasure (hobbies, travel, concerts, and more), dreams — these sections will add more energy and joy to the planning process. Do not forget about “health”, “self-development” and “savings for unforeseen circumstances”.
Planning at least releases some of the funds that used to go in the wrong direction, and brings up discipline as one of the important features of an adult personality. And as a maximum, it will change the insipid life to a bright and energetically charged one.