Why should everyone wear face masks? The expert leaves no illusions
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Despite the declining number of SARS-CoV-2 virus infections, it must not be forgotten that the pandemic has not disappeared and the disease is as dangerous as at the very beginning. To increase your safety, it is still necessary to wear masks in public and maintain proper hand hygiene. In the summer season, however, many people resign from covering their mouth and nose, explaining not only by the high vaccination coverage of the population, but also by the inconvenience of breathing in hot weather. We talked to an expert about why wearing masks is so important – prof. Andrzej Gładysz.

The coronavirus pandemic, lasting around the world since March 2020, has claimed over 74 deaths in Poland. At the beginning of June 000, almost 2021 million cases of the disease were recorded in our country. The SARS-CoV-3 virus spreads via airborne droplets and causes a number of symptoms related to, among others, with respiratory failure and neurological disorders. Universal access to free vaccinations has meant that the number of those infected is gradually decreasing. However, the virus did not change the way of transmission and it is still easy to get infected with, among others, when in contact with a sick person, even if he or she does not show any symptoms of infection.

Medonet: The number of vaccinated people is increasing. Currently, there are over 22 million of them. Many of them are of the opinion that thanks to this they do not have to wear masks. Why are they wrong?

Prof. Andrzej Gładysz – Coronavirus has a natural gift of more effective transmission than other viruses. It can stay in the air for quite a long time and is relatively resistant to temperature differences. It can survive on all kinds of surfaces – clothes, hair and skin – for a long time. That is why it is so important, among others simultaneous hand hygiene and general hygiene. In this type of epidemic, the protection of the upper respiratory tract, especially the nose, is a much more important element. For this reason, we should use the most effective devices available. In this case, such a condition is met by the FFP2 and FFP3 filtering half masks, which are characterized by a verifiable, certified, very high level of protection. Remember that the effectiveness of protection depends both on the level of filtration, which in the case of these devices is very high, and on the amount of air that can be sucked in through the mask leaks.

What would happen if there were no recommendations for wearing masks during a pandemic?

I believe that there are not many people left who should be persuaded to use protective masks. During the pandemic, many procedures and habits have become established in our social and economic life. There are studies and studies that clearly show that wearing masks reduces the transmission of the virus and significantly reduces the risk of infection. The use of advanced FFP2 and FFP3 masks virtually eliminates this risk. If we did not use masks in places with heavy traffic such as shops or means of transport, then the number of cases would probably increase drastically, which could lead to a complete collapse of the already heavily overburdened health care system and victims among the infected.

Among the opponents of wearing masks, there is often information that covering the nose and mouth only makes sense when we are sick with COVID-19. Why is it so important for all citizens to wear masks?

Today, using the right equipment is as much a question of awareness and availability of this quality product. Especially considering that the virus also spreads through people suffering from asymptomatic diseases, the optimal solution now would be to use FFP2 and FFP3 filtering half masks and to make them more widely used, not only in every workplace and outside of it, but also in hospitals. Elderly people, who are more often patients of hospitals and clinics, and therefore most at risk from this pandemic, should not only be encouraged to use such a device, but even be equipped with it.

Why is covering your mouth and nose with a scarf or a neckerchief less effective than wearing masks?

A good example is the medical mask, which is in common use in and outside the medical community. Unfortunately, it does not meet it at all, and it should even be said that it is not suitable for use during a pandemic. It is the same with a scarf or a scarf. Why? Because such products have a completely different function! In contrast, in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, we need a more “sophisticated” and least permeable device for microbes. I mean, for example, filtering half masks that are personal protective equipment. Only such devices provide effective protection for both the user and his environment. This coronavirus, unfortunately, is more insidious and thus more aggressive in transmission than other viruses, which is why it somehow forces the use of proven tools, effective for the user and the exposed person. In the current environment, the medical mask should be set aside as it unfortunately does not meet the sufficient protection requirements in this pandemic.

There are many types of masks made of various materials and fabrics on the market. Which are the most comfortable to wear, and at the same time are effective in reducing viral transmission?

If the masks are used, it is only of good, proven quality. That is why I recommend using filtering half-masks in epidemics. It is also supported by legal arguments and applicable European standards in this area, i.e. EN 14683 for medical masks and EN 149 for filtering half masks. In this sense, the law and standards not only clearly indicate to us, but also help to fulfill this protective role for the user and the patient. And for these reasons, it is necessary to use FFP2 and FFP3 filtering half-masks during the viral epidemic.

Which is better – a disposable mask or the one with an interchangeable filter?

Good quality disposable masks are above all very comfortable and hygienic to wear. In addition, some of them are characterized by up to five times lower breathing resistance parameters than standard FFP2 masks. Thanks to this, they can be used for up to 8 hours. Regardless of what masks we use, remember that if we put them on only when we are in the store, and then keep them in our pocket for a week, instead of protecting us from infection, they can become a source of new, not only viral infections (bacterial, fungal).

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