Why should children read books about feelings?

The book “ABC of feelings” is a collection of articles, each of which is devoted to one or a pair of feelings. But why does a child need to know about feelings? Explanations of the existential psychotherapist Svetlana Krivtsova.

What is there to teach? Life itself will introduce them. Unfortunately, parents add. After all, all problems come from feelings. They are so unpredictable, they cannot be controlled. They instantly turn into their opposite. Love turns into jealousy and even hatred, well, not hatred – indifference. Admiration for disappointment. And if feelings do not change, it is also not easier, take at least envy with jealousy … And one more thing: it is dangerous to send sensitive children to school. They are “calculated” and instantly turned into a victim of mobbing. It’s better to be interested in martial arts. Feelings are vulnerability, and our unfortunate time is afraid of weaknesses. Yes, and the culture of feeling in our society is lost: without slowness, feelings do not come.

Here poetry, for example, is not in fashion today, but she knew the language of feelings: shades, nuances, descriptions instead of assessments. I found words that helped readers recognize feelings in themselves and other people. So that we became understanding and tolerant. But in addition to spiritual subtlety, feelings clothed in words also contributed to self-knowledge. Who am I? The one who loves this hates that, but this one is completely indifferent.

“ABC of feelings” – a collection of articles, each of which is devoted to one feeling or a pair of feelings. Reading it with a child is a good opportunity to talk about what is on his mind and on yours. Only by paying attention to his feelings, he will be able to access the present in himself. Only by understanding the emotions of others can he truly interact with people.

In the XNUMXth century, and especially in our country, it was not easy and even dangerous to talk about the logic of feelings. This is understandable: all totalitarian systems want to change a person in the very essence. For submission, you need to influence feelings: first of all, break the shame that protects your personal, intimate from the public, indicate to whom gratitude should be directed, and most importantly, forbid paying attention to feelings. Rigid upbringing – without sentiment, without affection, without permission for weaknesses – gives rise to a convenient person: ready for a feat, striving to give his life, to endure any suffering in the name of his country.

In order to choose what to devote our only life to, in order to truly be free, we must seek access to ourselves, comprehending the logic of feelings. And teach it to your children. So read poetry with them and talk about love, jealousy, shame and gratitude – not just about the exchange rate.

“ABC of Feelings”

This wonderful book is like an encyclopedia. It was written by psychologists and psychotherapists, including the experts of our journal – Anna Varga, Marina Bebik, Olga Troitskaya and other authors. The collection was published with the participation of the Center for the Development of Interpersonal Communications and the editors of the journal “Schoolchildren’s Health”.

“ABC of Feelings”

LUCH, 200 p.

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