
A young girl entered the church, dressed strictly, simply and conservatively, without jewelry or make-up. Lowering her gaze, she approached the priest and asked: “Father, how do you understand the concept of Archpriest Feofan about the social and patriarchal unity of the human soul with the Lord God, based on religious views, expressed for the Russian Orthodox diocese in Paris?” The priest replied: “Marry, URGENTLY married!”

Should a woman be smart: be able to analyze and compare. Is it enough for a woman to have a pretty face and a chiseled figure? What is more valuable, intelligence or worldly ingenuity? What is more important, a PhD or the ability to find a way out in a difficult everyday situation?

You have to be smart to be liked. There is an opinion: the number of brains is the main trump card. And at school, be the smartest, participate in competitions, demonstrate your “smart” diplomas, show off your erudition. And in adult life it is better to be smart — there is something to brag about: diplomas of higher education, certificates, degrees, titles.

It’s not profitable to be smart. There is an opinion: when you «turn on the fool» — it’s good for everyone and you yourself get bonuses: gifts, attention, jewelry. And when you show your «smartness» — usually there are no bonuses, no understanding, no peace in the family.

Being smart is prestigious.There is an opinion: if a woman is smart, she will be able to provide for herself and find a way out of a difficult situation. In the world, smart people are more quoted, and blondes are the heroines of jokes. To be successful, a woman must be smart. Being smart is prestigious. A smart woman is doomed to success in her career.

Being smart is bad. There is an opinion: the main purpose of a woman is a family and the birth of children. The mistress of the house is a modest participation in the hearth, you do not need to have knowledge and be erudite, the main thing is to be able to influence the frying pan, pots, iron …

Smart to be authoritative. There is an opinion: being a mother and being smart does not interfere, but on the contrary, it perfectly complements. To be smart in order to educate, instill a reasonable, smart, eternal children. A woman’s knowledge is an authority for children. Let’s remember the family of Nicholas II. The queen led a fairly active lifestyle (remember, the royal family had five children — four daughters and one son). You say, well, this is the queen … Let’s say. At the same time, the standard of education in Tsarist Russia, as a rule, is a set of necessary knowledge: foreign languages ​​​​(Latin, German, English, French), natural science skills (geography, biology), the law of God, the rules of etiquette, literary criticism, and more knowledge necessary to address issues of employment and career advancement. Such a set of knowledge made it possible to communicate in the most sought-after areas of relationships: trade, economic relations, and scientific research. In Soviet times, we tried to get closer to these canons, now we are moving away.

Being smart is helpful. There is an opinion: a smart woman knows what she wants. She knows how to be both feminine and strong when needed. It can be weak so that a man nearby shows strength. She believes in her man. Knows how to be positive and sees the good even in life’s difficulties. Knows how to be grateful. Knows how to live, love and create. Knows how to be beautiful, happy and necessary.

Being smart — why? My opinion: the main thing is to know for yourself the answer to the question “why should I be smart?”. If the mind, education is a precious decoration that you need because it is so profitable, it is so accepted, it is not given to everyone, but only to the elite … (add your options, there can be many of them), and you understand that not everyone has such a “tsatska” is, then the resources (forces, abilities, means, time) spent on acquiring a jewel (mind) are wasted.

If the mind, education is a precious tool, masterfully owning which you control your behavior and influence the behavior of other people, then such an investment of your resources will bring worthy results (dividends) to its owner.

Being smart or being wise — which is better? It is generally accepted that over the years a woman becomes wiser. Yes, the time of life goes by and we gain daily life experience. We get older and more experienced — we become wiser. Compare the behavior of a teenage girl and a woman in her forties. The difference is obvious: at the everyday level, older women act more effectively than young girls. We get wiser as we age, that’s a fact. It is pleasant to communicate with wise women — this is a plus. Women’s wisdom is valued by men — this is both a fact and a plus.

Be smart in order to become wise. Usually they say about wise women — “life has taught” …. But you can not wait for old age in order to become wise. You can speed up this process. How? Take on the role of a teacher. Do not wait for life to teach, but teach yourself the mind, educate yourself.

What do you think: a woman should be smart and why do you need it?

Video from Yana Shchastya: interview with professor of psychology N.I. Kozlov

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