Why seedlings stretch out and turn pale: 7 typical mistakes of summer residents

Why seedlings stretch out and turn pale: 7 typical mistakes of summer residents

Planting material does not have to be bought in stores, you can grow future peppers, cabbage and tomatoes yourself. The main thing is to avoid mistakes that can spoil the result.

At the end of each season, summer residents carefully select the seeds of the best fruits, save them until next year to grow the harvest even more beautifully. After all, not always purchased seeds are better, sometimes there are only a dozen seeds in a bag, and even those are not similar. Therefore, it is very disappointing when such carefully grown seedlings suddenly begin to wither. But most of the problems with it are very easy to solve. The main thing is to know what mistakes you made and how to fix them.

candidate of agricultural sciences, agricultural technician

Problem 1. Seeds sprout poorly or did not hatch at all

The reasons: poor quality seeds, expired shelf life, lack of pre-sowing preparation.

How to fix: sowing can be carried out again, even in the middle of spring.

On a note: not every seed will germinate if you put it directly into the ground. Pre-soaking is required, some seeds require cooling or heating, and some require scarification, deliberate damage to the shell.

Problem 2. The first leaves at the seedlings cannot shed the “cap” of the seed

The reasons: if you sow too shallow or peeled the film off the seedling box too early, the seed shells have hardened. The sprout’s energy is not enough to shed the shell.

How to fix: while the plant looks healthy, keep the cap wet. Then pry it off with a needle. Do not remove by hand as this will damage the seedling.

On a note: in nature, the sprout overcomes an obstacle in the form of soil, and in the process loses the shell of the seed. Therefore, do not plant the seeds too small and do not forget to tamp the soil a little over the planting.

Problem 3. Immediately after germination, the stems are strongly stretched

Reason: little world.

How to fix: additional illumination with lamps is required.

On a note: the light to the sprouts is usually blocked by the high walls of the pot (pour more soil), window frames (raise the containers higher), dirty window panes.

Problem 4. The stem darkens near the soil, plants tend to

Reason: root rot from overflow or cold air.

How to fix: remove diseased plants. Sprinkle dry sand on the stems, stop watering until the soil is completely dry, spray with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

On a note: use fungicides to control the fungus that destroys crops. For blacklegs, it is best to use Previcur or Microsporin.

Problem 5. Plants are highlighted, but they are much moved in growth, look elongated

Reason: high room temperature.

How to fix: lower the temperature in the place where the seedlings are standing. For most plants, the optimal regime is 15-18 degrees. The exception is pepper, it is comfortable even at +25.

On a note: use a growth regulator for spraying seedlings: it stops pulling the stems. Plants become stocky.

Problem 6. Seedlings do not look firm and juicy, leaves slope

Reason: watering in small doses. Moisture does not have time to saturate the entire soil, and the roots dry out.

How to fix: water abundantly, but not often, settle the water, it should be at room temperature.

On a note: it is usually possible to assess whether the soil is soaked to a sufficient depth with a wooden stick. You need to pierce the soil to the bottom of the pot, then check the moisture with your fingers.

Problem 7. The edges and tips of the lower leaves dry, turn yellow or brown

Reason: too dry indoor air.

How to fix: you can put containers with seedlings on a tray filled with moistened vermiculite. It will constantly release moisture into the air and cool it at the same time.

On a note: plants in a dry room are uncomfortable. It is useful to keep containers with water next to the seedlings.

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