Almost all rose lovers who grow them observe yellowing of the leaves of the culture. At the same time, this phenomenon can be observed regardless of the quality of plant care. So why do rose leaves turn yellow? In addition to natural age-related changes in the body of a flower, there are also unnatural groups of causes for yellowing leaves. What factors cause this phenomenon and how to deal with it?
Sources of abnormal yellowness
Watching a rose turn yellow and fall leaves is very painful. It is much more pleasant to observe healthy individuals. What are the causes of yellowing leaves? Are straw organs always a sign of illness? In fact, there are many reasons for yellowing leaves.
Sometimes the leaf turns yellow due to the physiological characteristics of an individual of a certain species and variety. In this case, no action should be taken, especially since it is unlikely that it will be possible to change something. A completely different situation is if the organs of a young bush change color. In this case, inaction can even provoke the death of the plant.
The causes of yellowing of the organs of young individuals can be grouped according to the nature of the manifestation:
- Rapid yellowing and falling off. This phenomenon is usually observed in the case of adverse external conditions. In particular, sharp fluctuations in temperature. Similar phenomena can be observed in the summer in case of frequent weather changes. However, most modern varieties are adapted to unstable environmental conditions.
- The leaves of the roses at the bottom of the bush turn yellow, most likely due to a lack of light. Perhaps the individual grows in the shade and suffers from this.
Therefore, you need to carefully choose a site for planting roses. It should be a place protected from the wind, well lit by the sun. Perfect, for example, the south or southeast side of the site.
In the shade, not only a change in the color of the plant organs is observed, but also the stretching of shoots and a slowdown or cessation of flowering.
- Are the leaves turning yellow and curling up, and the tips of the organs turning brown and dry? Rosa is trying to tell you that she doesn’t have enough water. In addition, under conditions of moisture deficiency in plants, flowers are deformed and fall off. The flowering process stops. In hot weather, representatives of climbing varieties growing near the wall of the building especially feel the lack of water.
Young, recently planted individuals also need systematic moisturizing.
- Yellow spots appeared on the organs. Usually this phenomenon is due to a lack of useful substances in the body of the rose.
Video “Causes of yellowing rose leaves”
In this video you will see why rose leaves turn yellow.
Deficiency of batteries
Why do leaves turn yellow? Very often, the cause of the phenomenon lies in the imbalance of plant nutrition with fertilizers. Some rose lovers do not pay attention to the change in the color of the organs at all and continue to care for individuals as usual.
- Nitrogen. Often the reason for the discoloration of the leaves is nitrogen starvation of the crop. For example, a bush planted on poor soil or insufficiently fertilized throughout its life often suffers from an element deficiency. If enough nitrogen was introduced in the spring, the rose bloomed and gained strength, but in this case the plant used all the nitrogen. Without re-fertilization at the end of summer, “October” yellowing and leaf fall can be observed.
It is not difficult to determine the lack of nitrogen, since the color change occurs gradually, starting from the organs located below. Immediately you can not pay attention to the change in color of several leaves. However, after some time, the bush will turn almost half yellow, after which the plant turns pale.
Another “spring” sign of nitrogen deficiency is the yellowing of the shoots. Instead of a dark color, the organs become pale red or slightly brown. The leaves growing on such stems have the same color.
It is easy to determine the lack of nitrogen in the body of a culture, as well as completely eliminate it. You just need to dilute the urea (a tablespoon per 10 liters of water) and pour in the amount of half a bucket per bush. Foliar watering is allowed. The first positive results will become noticeable after a couple of days, and after 10 days the individual will completely acquire a normal healthy appearance.
- Potassium. With its deficiency, the leaf edging first becomes straw, after which the organ changes color to brown and dries up. In this case, ash and potash fertilizers will come to the rescue.
- iron and manganese. With a lack of at least one of the elements, the leaves become ill with chlorosis, the space between the veins changes color. The vein does not change color, remaining green.
With iron deficiency, first of all, the upper young organs turn yellow, and with a lack of manganese, old sheets.
Often, the lack of these elements is observed on soils with a reaction above 7-7,5, that is, on alkaline soils, which usually contain chalk and dolomite. Also, individuals may lack iron and manganese in soils that are oversaturated with lime during the deoxidation procedure.
What to do to correct the situation? You can get rid of chlorosis by spraying the flowers with a solution of dressings with iron and manganese. It is also necessary to normalize the reaction of the soil (indicator 5,6 – 7). You can acidify the earth with organic matter, for example, mullein. The procedure involves the creation of a small hole on one side of the plant, where there is access to the root. It is necessary to pour 2,5 liters of mullein solution into such a recess. Thus, part of the root system will gain access to the keeled soil, which will bring the number of elements back to normal.
Soil waterlogging
The leaves may also turn yellow due to waterlogging of the root system of roses. Often this happens due to the long stay of plants in damp soil. The phenomenon is usually observed in low clay areas during rainy periods. Dew plays a significant role in this phenomenon. Signs of excessive moisture resemble a lack of nitrogen. The discoloration starts from the lower organs, but nitrogen supplements in no way improve the situation.
If the territory is located in a lowland, then it is better to plant flowers on mounds or elevated areas.
Diseases and pests
Yellowing of the leaves may be a reaction to the disease. If the disease was provoked by a fungus, then the bush is easy to save. If the causative agent is a virus, then the infected individual must be eliminated from the site and destroyed.
Most often, roses are attacked by black spot. Sometimes it is not even considered a disease, believing that the spots are a natural development of the plant. However, this is still a fungal disease that is dangerous for almost all varieties of roses.
A fallen leaf from a bush is evidence that the plant will not tolerate winter well and will slow down its growth and flowering.
Yellow leaves with black spots – a manifestation of spotting. You can help the culture with complex fungicides, for example, Topaz, but it is more effective to use such sprays for prevention (mid-late June).
In addition, there are viral diseases, as a result of which the sheets are covered with small or large spots of various colors. Usually the leaves become smaller, change shape, and the plant itself slows down growth and stops blooming. There are no methods for treating viral plant diseases, so infected bushes are simply removed from the site and destroyed.
If the leaves not only turned yellow, but also began to fade, then it is likely that the larvae of the May beetle or other rhizomes settled on the roots of the flowers. Pests can be controlled with a variety of insecticides.
So, often rose growers observe yellowing of the leaves of their plants. Some cannot determine the cause of the phenomenon, while others do not know what to do to change the situation. Leaves can turn yellow and fall from roses for various reasons. But they are easy to identify and subsequently eliminate. The main thing is to carefully monitor the flowers and not take yellowing for granted, the natural development of individuals.
Video “Diseases of roses and their pests”
From the video you will learn about the most common diseases of roses and how to deal with them.