
Variety concerts, shows, competitions, humorous programs — every year they occupy more and more space in the TV and radio broadcasting grid. They are given the most convenient time, their ratings (regardless of their quality) are constantly growing. What is the secret of the attractiveness of outwardly spectacular, spectacular television?

“Reduce stress, let go of problems” Mark Pevsner, counseling psychologist for personal and family problems

“We live in an ever more complex world: intense work, difficult relationships, the rapid development of new technologies that need to be mastered, a continuous flow of information — all this overwhelms us regardless of our desire … In this situation, everyone needs a tool that allows them to temporarily turn off their heads and reset accumulated tension. And entertainment programs are the easiest, cheapest and de facto effective way to achieve this. However, it should be remembered: mindless sitting in front of the TV can turn into an addiction. Plunging into the virtual teleworld, we move away from real experience and risk losing control of our lives.”

“Experience the joy of empathy and feel freedom” Ekaterina Zhornyak, narrative psychologist

“I would divide entertainment programs into those that bring a sense of joy and those that allow us to forget in front of the TV. When we watch, for example, a good humorous program, we are able to appreciate the sense of humor, rejoice, empathize — we exist. Good humor is always going beyond the boundaries of the usual schemes, it is the ability to unexpectedly look at things, forget about limitations and feel freedom. Those programs that do not leave behind such an emotional trace only absorb our time. They act like anesthesia: I turned on the TV — and I’m gone. And then I don’t remember where I was, what was it? There is no constructive effect from such transfers, but they allow you to temporarily not worry.

«Meet the needs of your inner child» Stanislav Raevsky, Jungian psychoanalyst

“The emergence of many entertainment programs is natural for any society with a market orientation to the mass consciousness, and therefore to the creation of a product that is light, pleasant and superficially exciting. Concerts, shows create a feeling of celebration and support our inner child, or rather, our primitive, consumeristic beginning, the hedonistic need to have fun. We can fool around, laugh at stupid things, sing along to hits, prove nothing to anyone and feel like everyone else. A high rating has a calming effect: I’m not the only one watching, so this is normal, right.

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