Why put a newspaper in the refrigerator: 7 life hacks from the Soviet past
In Soviet times, the print media were not only a source of information, but also a very useful thing in everyday life.
In the USSR, any printed matter, read out to the holes, was not thrown away, but folded in neat piles. You can turn it into waste paper, having received the coveted coupon for subscription publications, or you can find other uses in the household.
There are several dozen ways of using the newspapers Pravd and Izvestia, as well as regional Pravd and Vecherok. Some life hacks have sunk into oblivion, and some have taken root and are still popular.
To shine windows
An old and time-tested way to achieve crystal clear glass in windows. Even in the 1959 home economics manual, it is recommended to wipe dry washed window glass with “a rag or soft paper, preferably newspaper.” This life hack of our grandmothers is also popular with modern housewives.
But this method has its pitfalls. Printing ink leaves dark marks on surfaces and hands when wet. But you can somehow come to terms with this, especially since no one bothers to put on rubber gloves. But microcracks and scratches that appear on the surface of the window when it comes into contact with newsprint will eventually lead to glass replacement. And okay, if the apartment still has wooden frames. But replacing glass in a double-glazed window will already cost a substantial amount. Therefore, it is better not to save money here, but to buy special napkins made of microfiber or artificial suede for windows.
Toilet air freshener
Cheap, angry and the result is so-so. In Soviet toilets, the newspaper not only replaced the scarcest toilet paper, but also an air freshener. As the latter, they began to use it, perhaps out of despair: the sewer system of those years definitely could not cope with newsprint thrown into the toilet. As a result, the drain quickly clogged, which led to blockages with all the ensuing (right outside the toilet bowl) consequences. Some people solved this problem by putting a bucket in the toilet, but the smell and aesthetics of this solution were highly controversial. But the newspaper reduced to ashes was perfectly washed off, and the smell of burnt paper interrupted all the others.
There is no longer any need to burn the printed word in the toilet these days. Toilet paper is sold all over the place. It dissolves perfectly in water, and there are plenty of household air fresheners on the shelves. But if you do not want to use modern aerosols at all, you just need to burn the match – the sulfur dioxide released during its combustion will kill all other odors.
Cat litter
In the mid-90s, my Murzik was provided with cat litter for years to come. Then I worked in a daily newspaper. After reading all the relatives, a 16-page edition of A3 format was literally sent down the drain: the former bath for developing photographs was covered with a newspaper page, the rest were torn into small pieces and stacked on top. The cat of Magadan hardening did not mind. But need I say that I had to clean the tray several times a day, and nothing helped from the soaring aroma of cat waste. Modern cat litter and odors absorb, and in some cases they can be changed only a couple of times a month. And, to be honest, no one buys newspapers on the same scale.
Remedy for bruises and bruises
During my childhood, there was no special entertainment for children in the courtyards. Therefore, the adventures were quite traumatic: jumping on the roofs of garages, climbing a tree, climbing over a fence to a construction site … Once I fell unsuccessfully and kissed my face well on the asphalt. My friend’s grandmother suggested applying to the hurt place … a newspaper.
The fact is that in those years, when printing newspapers, they used printing ink containing lead. And lead acetate (aka lead lotion) was one of the most popular remedies for bruises, bruises and abrasions. Only the drug was dispensed by prescription at the pharmacy, the pharmacist prepared a lotion for each specific buyer. Long and troublesome. And the newspaper – here it is, lying in a pile in the hallway and waiting for its finest hour.
Incidentally, this method did not help me, so for the next two weeks I had to cover up the bruise with the legendary Soviet tonal Ballet. Nowadays, applying a newspaper to a bruise is completely useless: lead has long disappeared from the composition of printing ink, and the lead lotion itself was recognized as an ineffective and even hazardous to health.
Underlay for wallpaper
How many times did I get it! You stand in the corner for another offense, quietly pick up the wallpaper, and underneath is the wonderful world of newspaper publications. Tear off a piece and read the resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU, or make your way to the meaning through pre-revolutionary yati. During the Soviet years, the newspaper was often used during renovation work as a kind of wall leveler. The periodical covered minor flaws, did not allow the plaster to crumble, it was much easier to glue paper wallpapers to the paper surface, and they lasted longer. In a communal apartment that a friend of mine recently moved into, wallpaper glued in this way has been hanging on the walls since the mid-60s!
In our time, it makes no sense to paste over the walls with newspapers. The problem is easily solved with a couple of cans of primer, which are in any hardware store.
Fridge odor absorber
A friend, getting ready to visit her son, who had recently moved to a rented apartment, grabbed a couple of newspapers.
“Kiryusha complained about an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator,” she explained. It turned out that the newspaper helps to get rid of the smell.
The page, crumpled and moistened with water from a spray bottle, is placed in the refrigerator (preferably on a saucer or plate, so as not to tear off the dried paper from the shelves later), and after a while there is no trace of the smell.
Honestly, some kind of stone age. After all, stores are full of all kinds of ionizers and odor absorbers right now. Don’t feel like spending money? Natural absorbents are suitable – a slice of rye bread, rice grains, a cut apple, or just crushed activated carbon. By the way, there are 15 natural remedies for the smell in the fridge – right at the LINK.
Protecting clothing from moths
How many tears were shed over a ruined fur coat or hat, hopelessly eaten away by this domestic pest. In an effort to ward off moths from the house and, most importantly, from their favorite clothes, the hostesses laid orange peels, tansy inflorescences on the shelves of cabinets, put pots of geraniums in the apartment and … wrapped things in newspapers. It was believed that the smell of ink moths are not to your taste. This is partly a fair observation. But the smell of the paint should be fresh, so the newspapers will have to be changed regularly. And do not forget that we scare off an adult with the help of smell, and the caterpillar devours fur and wool. Much more reliable thing will be stored in a vacuum bag.