Why pregnant women cry: 15 most ridiculous reasons

A woman under hormones is a walking unpredictability. Treat it like a crystal vase. But it doesn’t always help.

During pregnancy, the mood of the expectant mother changes, like the weather by the sea in the off-season. She becomes sometimes irritable, sometimes sentimental. You cannot take such mood swings seriously, but also brush it off, no matter how an explosion happens. However, one should not even hope to predict why a girl in an interesting position may be upset.


“One day my husband came home from work and asked how my day had gone. I was then eight months pregnant. And I burst into tears, said that I was born, it seems, only in order to cook, wash, clean and give birth to his children. “You don’t love me,” I cried. My husband ordered food, called a nanny for our three children, took me shopping, to a restaurant and to the cinema. And then he said that he understood perfectly well that it was not me who was crying, but the unborn child inside me. After all, the kid does not yet know his daddy and does not know how much he loves us. “


“We sell mozzarella sticks in our convenience store, four per pack. I asked my husband to buy two. This dunce bought one package and ate two sticks from it on the way home. He decided that I only needed two pieces! I still cry when I remember. “


“I dreamed about a milkshake all night. First of all, when I woke up, I ran to the cafe under the house. And it was closed! I burst into tears and called my husband. He laughed at me, but he brought me a Red Velvet cake and a package of ice cream. And I burst into tears again – this time with happiness. “


“I watched The Secret Life of Pets – 2 and burst into tears after 10 minutes. It was too sweet, I was crying and I just couldn’t stop. “


“I was pregnant with the second. She took the eldest to stay with her mother. And as soon as I returned home, I realized that I missed him terribly, and began to cry right at the door. “


“It was in winter, it was snowing and the snow got into my boot. I cried out all my eyes because of this. “


“My brother took a sip of juice from my glass. I cried and shouted that he was taking vitamins from the child. “


“I ordered a pizza, and all the time I was waiting for delivery, I cried. I was so hungry! “


“We lived in a dacha, the bedroom was on the second floor. I decided to have tea in bed in front of the TV. I should have brought a mug of tea and a bowl of cookies into the bedroom. I could climb only holding onto the railing. I cried because I had to get up twice – only one hand was free. “


“I cried because I took the dog to the groomer, and after the grooming, it stopped being fluffy. I cried because I forgot where I put my water bottle. I cried because I couldn’t decide which milk to buy. My husband laughed. “


“I had a dream about eating sharp wings. I woke up at three in the morning, shook my husband and said that I wanted spicy chicken wings. He answered, of course, that I had lost my mind, it was night outside and everything was closed. I went to the kitchen, took carrot straws out of the refrigerator, sat in the dark, ate them and cried. “


“Once I burst into tears because the picture on the wall in my doctor’s office hung crookedly.”


“I was once released from work early because of the pen. Literally – I dropped my pen on the floor and was so upset that I cried and could not stop. “


“I got out of bed and put slippers on the wrong foot. It sounds silly, but I cried for about an hour because of it. “


“I wanted ice cream, but I couldn’t figure out which one. I cried until my husband bought six different types. It is still in the freezer. And she also roared, because the water in the bath did not completely cover her stomach, it was sticking out and freezing. “

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