Why pills are dangerous to drink with tea, coffee and soda
In the cold season, we answer the most frequently asked question.
Before drinking the prescribed medicine, people often pay attention to the indications for use and dosage in the instructions, but rarely does anyone ask the question: “How to drink the drug and can it be taken at all?” Mariyat Mukhina, doctor of medical sciences, therapist, founder of the federal clinic “Origitea”, told the readers of about the negative impact of improper administration of drugs, as well as how to preserve their medicinal properties.
Medications must be taken correctly on all counts. If you hastily wash down a pill or even a suspension with tea, juice or soda, then a number of harmful effects on the body are possible. The wrong combination of medicine and drink or food can negate all the medicinal properties of the drug.
The doctor named drinks that should not be taken with medications
Consequences of drug misuse
At best, the active ingredient of the drug, which has reacted with a component of a drink or food, decrease in efficiency.
At worst, this can lead to its amplification and risk. poisoning, allergies, damage to internal organs and even up to lethal outcome.
In addition to the fact that medications need to be washed down with water, one should not neglect the fact that non-absorbable tablets just need to be washed downb in principle. Since without liquid, the pill can injure the esophagus, damaging its inner walls and causing inflammation of the internal organ, which threatens the development of an ulcer. This happens because there are no nerve endings in the esophagus, and the body does not give an impulse for pain.
It is also necessary to drink with plenty of water, since if there is a lack of it, the medicine will not completely dissolve, and the body will not accept the entire portion of the active substance.
Combining medicines with popular drinks
Medicine and tea
Tea has a beneficial effect on strengthening the immune system, the nervous system, with colds, but you should not take medicine with it. The reason for this is the content of such active components as tannin and caffeine, with the compounds of which drugs can cause toxic effects. In addition, tea can slow down the absorption of drugs and impair their absorption by the body.
Drinking tea with antidepressants, caffeine, which is one of the components of this drink, will increase the state of nervous tension and worsen the general condition of the body. If the preparation contains iron, then when drinking tea, toxic salts may appear, which are deposited in the intestinal cavity.
Medicine and coffee
Caffeine and other active components of the vigor drink interfere with the absorption and activity of medications. When drinking antibiotics coffee their healing properties are reduced to zero and can lead to toxic effects on the body. BUT combination of coffee and acetylsalicylic acid strongly irritates the walls of the stomach. Moreover, coffee reduces the analgesic effect of drugs.
Medicine and soda
Water is the best drink for taking medicine. Some patients believe that mineral water or soda is good for this process. However, it is not. Mineral water contains a large amount of salts, which can enter into an undesirable reaction with the active substance or even the tablet shell.
Alkaline water can only be taken with drugs of the sulfonamide group, since it prolongs the duration of the action of the drug, removing toxic substances from the body.
Sugary carbonated drinks, even without medication, irritate the walls and mucous membrane of the stomach. And in combination with taking medications, the drink worsens the diseases of those people who suffer from disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, in combination with a carbonated drink, taking medications reduces the healing effect.
Medicine and alcohol
Any doctor will tell you that it is strictly forbidden to combine medication with alcohol. At best, alcohol reduces the healing properties. However, it is important to understand: a combination of medicine and alcohol can cause a chemical reaction that provokes poisoning of the body, disruption of the work of internal organs… Medicines against ARI or ARVI, which contain codeine in the composition, upon entry in reaction with ethyl alcohol violates the functions of the body. Besides, ethanol in combination with analgesic drugs or antipyretic increases the load on the liver, as it increases the effect of drugs.
Often, the effect of drugs is reduced due to the fault of the patients, namely, due to improper administration. The best way to avoid this is to consult a doctor immediately after the appointment. It is the specialist who will explain with which drinks or products one or another drug should be combined.