Why not eat grapefruit

Vitamin citrus can let you down if you match it with the wrong pair.

Grapefruit is famous for its vitamin composition. Fitness fans and diet lovers are ready to pray for him. It is he who advises to eat the nutritionist of Pelageya – and the appearance of the singer can only be envied. However, this beautiful fruit can be harmful.

Doctors advise excluding grapefruit from the menu for those who suffer from stomach or duodenal ulcers. Sour fruit can exacerbate the disease.

In addition, grapefruit cannot be mixed with many medicines. In some cases, it can cause an overdose. Scientists from the Canadian Institute of Health have found that one untimely eaten fruit can be fatal. In others, it is to render the medicine useless.

Who and when not to eat grapefruit

  • If you drink medicines for lowering cholesterol and regulating blood pressure. Grapefruit enzymes can neutralize the active ingredients of drugs.  

  • If there is problems with the gastrointestinal tract (stomach and duodenal ulcer). Grapefruit acids can exacerbate the disease.

  • Don’t risk it if you drink birth control pills… The active substances in the fruit can reverse their effect.  

  • After brushing your teeth, citrus acids destroy tooth enamel. To keep it looking, you need to rinse your mouth after using it.

  • RџSЂRё hepatitis (inflammation of the liver, mainly caused by a viral infection) and jade (inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, in which the ability of the organ to remove metabolic products from the body is impaired).

  • If you drink medicines containing paracetamolas the fruit increases its toxicity.

  • RџSЂRё diseases of the cardiovascular system… Eating the fruit can trigger development atherosclerosis (a disease leading to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the walls of the arteries) and ischemic disease (myocardial damage resulting from a decrease in the supply of arterial blood to the heart muscle).

  • С dairy productssince the fruit can have a laxative effect.

  • С nuts.

  • With products containing starch (pastries, potatoes, bananas).

  • With legumes side dishes.

If you are not in the so-called risk group, then you can safely consume one citrus a day. The main thing is not to eat it on an empty stomach.

The beneficial properties of citrus

  • Helps to speed up metabolism, which promotes active fat burning.

  • Its substances improve digestion at low acidity.

  • It has an immuno-strengthening effect. Replenishes reserves of vitamins A, C, D and group B. Rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc. Grapefruit essential oils reduce headaches.

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