Why nettle is useful for the human body: properties and application

😉 Hello everyone! Thank you for choosing an article on this site! Here you will find out how nettle is useful for the human body.

What is nettle

This weed is from the Nettle family. There are 50 species in nature, but the more common are dioecious and stinging. The peculiarity of nettle is that its leaves are covered with scalding hairs. Thus, the plant protects itself from herbivores.

Why nettle is useful for the human body: properties and application

Stinging Nettle

The stinging hairs are filled with formic acid, which causes a “burn” on contact with the plant. Nettle is also called stinging and stinging. Nettle burns are harmless, but there are species to be wary of in the tropics.

Since ancient times, a string for bows, a durable fabric for the sails of ships, has been made from nettle fiber. Strong bags were sewn for household needs. Already in the XNUMXth century, Albrecht Durer painted an angel flying up to the throne of the Most High with nettles in his hand.

In spring, nature definitely helps a person to recuperate after winter. Nettle is invaluable for the body by the content of a number of elements, such as:

  • silicon;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • vegetable protein;
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • essential oil;
  • formic acid;
  • vitamins K, B1, B2, B6;
  • There is more vitamin C (ascorbic acid) here than in the composition of other plants and medicinal herbs.

Nettle: medicinal properties and uses

  • supports and strengthens the immune system;
  • leaves, roots and stems are endowed with the effect of blood coagulation;
  • infusion of leaves washed wounds and ulcers;
  • helps fight diabetes by lowering blood sugar;
  • due to the iron content, it helps to increase hemoglobin and erythrocytes;
  • used to regulate menstruation in women;
  • decoction of the roots supports the work of the heart muscle;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body;
  • roots help against allergies, including hay fever;
  • tea made from fresh or dried leaves has a laxative effect and is recommended for cleansing the body;
  • helps against hair loss and dandruff (rinsing with a decoction);
  • the leaves can be used in soups, various dishes and salads.
  • Healing tea is prepared from young inflorescences. The roots are used for alcoholic tincture.

Why nettle is useful for the body

It is a natural hemostatic agent. It has hemostatic properties due to the presence of vitamin K in the leaves, which helps to produce prothrombin in the liver. It also has a stimulating effect on the formation of red blood cells.

Ointments based on nettle extract are used for skin diseases. Plant preparations are used to prevent atherosclerosis, anemia and vitamin deficiency.


  • pregnancy (shrinks the uterus);
  • polyps, tumors of the uterus;
  • increased blood coagulation.

😉 Now you know how nettle is useful for the human body. Be sure to use this herb for health. Nature heals! Come in, run in, check out the site! Subscribe to the newsletter for new articles!

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