Why music helps us maintain high self-esteem
It is proven that music is a vehicle to improve our mood and make us feel better

Music not only soothes beasts as the popular saying goes, but it is scientifically proven that, for example, listening to songs or musical pieces that bring good memories and sensations to patients admitted to an ICU helps reduce anxiety levels during your stay in a hospital. Also, according to research from the American Hypertension Society, in New Orleans, listening to 30 minutes of classical music is enough to significantly lower high blood pressure.
Music also has other benefits on people’s health and, in fact, music therapy is widely used both in homes for the elderly and in schools, being one of the tools most used with people with diverse abilities because it promotes the feeling of physical and mental well-being in all stages of life.
Improved self-esteem
In this sense, Grecia de Jesús, Blua de Sanitas psychologist explains that music can also affect personal self-esteem and in the conception that we have of ourselves as long as, yes, there is an intention. «It is not about listening to music just to listen to it, but about deciding which melody or song is the most suitable for us at all times. For example, if we are in episodes of stress, listening to a classical piece of music can calm us down and reduce the levels of anxiety in our body, “he clarifies.
In the same way, listening to a song that evokes us good vibes and energy first thing in the morning, it can be defining for the day that we are going to have ahead. «Self-esteem is based on the concept we have of ourselves, but this self-perception is influenced by many factors such as beliefs and own thoughts, but also those of others, so music, a clearly external factor linked to emotions, it also has effects on what we think about ourselves, ”argues Grecia de Jesús. In addition, “being able to do a good introspection exercise to listen to our needs at that moment and choose a song according to our mood is an indication of emotional intelligence and gives us self-care, thus promoting self-esteem again.”
See each other better through the melody
The neurologist Anthony Smith, in his book “The Mind”, stressed that music can “modify the body’s metabolism, alter muscle energy or accelerate the respiratory rate.” All these merely physical effects, however, have consequences on an emotional level, so music has also been revealed as an excellent tool to alleviate negative interpretations What we do about ourselves when we feel insecurities or fears that can cause us to fall into low self-esteem.
Given this, Grecia de Jesús recommends, in addition to not being so self-demanding and practicing self-compassion, go to music to recall pleasant sensations or enhance positive messages through the lyrics of the songs.
Reduce stress by singing and dancing
In the case of its most psychological uses, music therapy is not only beneficial in patients who suffer from stress and anxiety, but it can also be applied in cases of personal development, since it can promote a state of relaxation. “Singing generates serotonin and endorphins, natural painkillers that are the hormones of well-being at a physiological level,” says Manuel Sequera, manager of Huella Sonora Musicoterapia, who also points out that, after a traumatic process, “scientifically applied music can reduce the effects of levels of cortisol – the stress hormone – in the blood ».