Why Muscle Doesn’t Grow After Exercise: Major Mistakes

The expert spoke about the mistakes of novice athletes.

When they come to the gym, many anticipate how they will walk around in tight clothes, demonstrating the resulting relief. To build the body of your dreams, you need to eat right and work honestly in the gym. However, it happens that a person controls the diet and works hard, but the muscles do not grow. Nutritionist, ems-trainer, rehabilitation therapist, sports psychologist Maria Volynkina told Wday about why this is happening and what to do.

Nutritionist, ems trainer, rehabilitation therapist, sports psychologist

Muscles are made up of fibers. When you exercise, they get micro-tears. They are eliminated through the transport of nutrients and the production of growth hormone. New muscle tissue begins to grow at the rupture site. Thus, the muscles grow and become stronger, – says the coach.

  • Poor diet

Many people mistakenly think that you need to exclude all carbohydrates and lean on one protein. But you need to understand that it is carbohydrates that provide energy and help muscles recover. They should never be ignored! First of all, the diet should contain complex carbohydrates (various cereals). Also, don’t forget about fiber.

  • Monotonous workouts

If you perform the same exercises with the same weight over a long period, then it is unlikely that the muscles will begin to grow. To stimulate their increase, it is necessary to perform more than the body can tolerate (but it is important not to go too far and treat it adequately). You should definitely experience tension during class.

  • Lots of cardio

For beginners, cardio is probably the most important part of their workout. At this rate, you can only burn extra calories, but not build muscle in any way. On the contrary, it can contribute to the depletion of the accumulated mass. If the task is to increase the size of the muscles, it is necessary to reduce such loads to once or twice a week.

  • Lack of rest

Even the most resilient organism can fail. Muscles do not have time to recover without adequate rest. This mostly happens at night. Therefore, it is necessary to sleep for 7-8 hours, at least.

  • Incorrect exercise system

To keep the muscles in shape and grow, you need to train with a borderline weight. After 6-8 repetitions with such a load, the body should give up. It is necessary to increase the resistance in order for the muscles to react. The most optimal scheme: 9-12 repetitions with 3-4 approaches.

  • Lack of supplements and vitamins

Before choosing vitamins, you need to find out what the body is missing. Spend a whole course on the missing elements. You will see how the body begins to revive, endurance increases. Of course, add whey protein to your diet. Protein together with amino acids will help the fibers to recover.

  • No connection with the body

Few people talk about the connection with the body. You need to know this in order to achieve the desired relief. With power loads, you need to direct all attention to those muscles that you are pumping. In this way, you will establish contact with your work areas and begin to understand when you can continue or stop a hard workout.

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