The pursuit of happiness seems completely natural, but sometimes it is the achievement of happiness that turns into a life problem. This happens when the achievement of the desired results stops further development, stops moving through life.
Most often this happens due to the fact that a person moved through life on a negative motivation, on a feeling of “bad”, trying to get rid of the feeling of lack and experiencing problems. The person felt bad, he had problems — he moved forward, taking short breaks with certain successes, and gradually got used to moving only when he was really “bad”.
When and if a person achieves everything he wants, he goes into the state of Good, and even more so “I am happy”, along with this, his inner impulse to move forward also ends: “But what to develop if everything is already fine?” Sometimes this turns out to be a major dead end.
I wanted to start earning so much a year, buy a car and an apartment — I strained myself for this goal. I achieved everything — and sat on the sofa … Or: he and she sincerely and seriously dreamed of love, dreamed of finding their Prince and their Princess, prepared themselves for this meeting, worked on themselves, developed, and now — they met. They fell in love and became completely happy. Moreover, they began to live completely happily year after year. Everything is fine, only they have now stopped developing, because: why? They have become well, they are now happy, and they now rot harmoniously year after year. Yes, it happens too.
Similar problems can arise in the process of personal growth, when a person reaches a state of internal Good. Achieving this state is quite realistic, and under the condition of a normal, prosperous personal base, after about six months of work, a person really goes into this state of internal Good. It would seem that one can only rejoice at this, a person has peace, joy and well-being inside, complete spiritual harmony, but often this is accompanied by a serious negative circumstance: a person stops in his development. Again: “Why move somewhere else, if already everything is fine?”
Are you lazy and selfish, or are you still fat and mischievous. But you are good. Everything is fine? Or — the man was cheerful, energetic, lively, striving for something, and then he reached the state of «Good» and settled down on the sofa. Now he is fine with and without money, and with a wife and without a wife, and when it is good with him, and when they swear at him …
The question «Why develop, if it’s so good» usually indicates a decrease in the level of vital energy and personal ill health. We are close to the position of A. Maslow, according to which the defining sign of personal health is the desire for development and personal growth, and the disappearance of the desire to develop is a sign of a decrease in vital energy, a sign of a certain personal ill health. Indeed, a healthy person with a high level of internal energy does not need motivation for growth and development, his internal motor makes his movement through life and development natural.
Everyone, depending on their own philosophy of life, can decide whether to develop further or enough. Our vision is to develop. The Good state is not the peak, but only the beginning of personal growth and development. Everything is just beginning, everything is still ahead. The key is to stop living only in your own interests, start developing on positive motivation, start loving and caring for other people.
A personally healthy person with the philosophy of the Consumer will move energetically, guided by positive motivation — to what he is interested in, joyful or cool, a person with the philosophy of the Creator will do what will make people’s lives richer, more beautiful and more reasonable. You understand, there is enough work for everyone.