A man who has had an intimate relationship with an older woman will remember this romance as one of the best of his life, says author Karen Lee Potter. And the sexual experience he has gained will be useful when the young man is ready for a relationship with his peer. What is so great about this union?
In the United States, women of Balzac age (35-45 years old) who are actively dating men younger than them are called “caguars” or “cougars” (from the English caguar – puma). These are strong women who have achieved success in their careers and have not given up the desire to achieve happiness (for the first time or again) in their personal lives. Writer and blogger Karen Lee Potter is one of them.
A few years ago, after losing her husband, she started a blog, and later a network talk show about love, dating, sex. Then she wrote a book on how to find happiness in adulthood, and found it herself: for many years, Karen Lee Potter has been in a relationship with a man who is several years younger than her. By polling the participants of her show about what brings people with a big age difference together, Karen Lee Potter found out ten reasons why mature lovers outperform younger partners in the eyes of young people.
1. They have a numerical advantage
Age may indicate that the “cougar” woman had more than one partner. Most likely, several novels happened before her marriage. And after a divorce, the number of contacts can increase exponentially.
2. They have a lot of practical experience
A long-term marriage or stable relationship involves sexual experience with one partner. The memory of these contacts is preserved for a long time and forms a rich sexual experience of a mature woman.
3. They know what they want
A good knowledge of the characteristics of their body and their desires is due to their experience.
They will not play, manipulate, turn off the phone and not answer SMS
Mature woman managed to experiment with different techniques, tried to have sex in different positions. She has masturbated multiple times and she is not afraid to explain what she really enjoys.
If a girl herself does not know what she expects from a partner, it is all the more difficult for him to understand it. “Cougars” know exactly what they want, and suggest which “buttons” a man should press.
4. They have already learned what men want.
And now they are not averse to unraveling the specific desires of their current partner. In general, they have already understood, thanks to previous novels, what poses and techniques are most often turned on by men. But they will definitely ask the partner what gives him the greatest satisfaction. And if they don’t know something yet, they will study it from books, films or on the Internet.
5. They love sex just as much as their partners.
Women have no illusions about the prospects for such relationships, do not count on marriage and the creation of a family. This removes any burden of responsibility and obligation from a young person who just wants to have fun. Tension subsides, and as a result, partners enjoy contact.
6. They understand the importance of sex in a relationship.
Perhaps she was in a marriage where intimate contacts were minimized, and therefore especially appreciates them. She does not use sex as a bargaining chip and does not expect any material benefits from the young man as a reward. Mature women are aware of the psychological and physiological benefits of regular sex.
7. A young man is flattered that a passionate, experienced woman finds him sexy and desirable.
Matching an attractive, sexy, well-groomed lady, who is also in excellent physical shape, is not easy, but pleasant. She has time to take care of herself because her children have grown up and no longer need her attention.
8. They happily teach their “students”
They know when to dominate and when to be submissive. The young man feels this, and the skill of his partner greatly stimulates him. An experienced woman will not forget to buy beautiful lingerie, sex toys, candles and wine to cheer up.
9. They are confident in their body and sex appeal.
This excites men who are only familiar with the shyness and embarrassment of girls who are embarrassed by their bodies and indecent words in bed. Mature women are relaxed and spontaneous, they are comfortable being naked.
10. They are not afraid of communication
The young man will know exactly what is going on between them. A mature partner will not play with him, manipulate him, turn off the phone and not answer his SMS. She will approach a man in a bar herself, and will not wait for him to make the first move. She will make it clear what she wants from the relationship and openly admit her desires. She is not afraid that she will lose a man because she will remain herself with him.
About the Author: Karen Lee Potter is a relationship blogger and talk show host.
Faktem jest, ze wielu młodych facetów wieku w wieku 22- 25 lat wprost marzy o seksie ze starszą i bardziej doświadczoną partnerką w wieku np. 30- 40 lat. Wiadomo, że dojrzały owoc jest bardziej słodki.
Seks młodego chłopaka ze starszą i bardziej doświadczoną partnerką jest super namiętny i gorący. Starsza i bardziej doświadczona kochanka zna się na antykoncepcji i młody kochanek może się z nią kochać bez prezerwatywy i z wytryskiem w cipce bez obawy o przypadkowe zapłodnienie
Starsza partnerka dla młodego chłopaka to wprost rarytas. Wiadomo, że dojrzały owoc jest bardziej słodki. Seks z mało doświadczoną małolatą jest stresujący, obawa o przypadkowe zapłodnienie. Starsza i bardziej doświadczona partnerka to namiętny i gorący seks. W wieku 25 lat uwiodłem swoją 32 letnią super koleżankę, która była rozwódką i bardzo pragnęła seksu bez zobowiązań. Spotykamy się dyskretnie od roku czasu. Seks jest nieziemski, partnerka zachwycona
Starsza i bardziej doświadczona partnerka jest bardziej namiętna niż małolata. Poza tym bez stresu można się kochać bez konieczności używania prezerwatywy i z finałem w cipce. Dojrzały owoc jest bardziej słodki
Nie ulega wątpliwości, że dla młodego faceta seks ze starszą i bardziej doświadczoną partnerką jest super namiętny i atrakcyjny. Ja w wieku 25 lat uwiodłem swoją 34 letnią atrakcyjną koleżankę z pracy. która była mężatką w separacji. Przekonałem ją, że powinna zrewanżować się mężowi za jego zdrady i nie powinna mieć skrupułów aby też przyprawić mu rogi a ja chętnie jej w tym pomogę. Argument trafił jej do przekonania i przyjęła zaproszenie do mojego mieszkania na kawę i winko. Seks był nieziemsko namiętny, Dojrzały owoc jest bardziej słodki. Z zachowanie dyskrecji bo kochanka jest jeszcze formalnie mężatką spotykamy się od 3 m-cy na seks bez zobowiązań. Jest super.