Why men grow belly and how to deal with it

Why men grow belly and how to deal with it

Together with an expert, endocrinologist Georgy Mskhalaya, we understand the causes of one of the most common problems faced by men today.

What is “excess belly”?

The appearance of a visible belly in men after 30-40 years is not just a callus or a lump of stress, as it is often called. An excess belly is a consequence of an increase in waist circumference,

which occurs due to an increase in the amount of subcutaneous and visceral fatty tissue.

So, men have subcutaneous fatty tissue, which,

accordingly, it is located under the skin, as well as visceral tissue, which is located between the muscles and internal organs in the abdomen. It is she who produces a large amount of hormones. How

the more visceral fatty tissue, the more hormones it produces. Therefore, an excessive amount of fiber leads to the formation of an excessive amount of hormones, which, in turn, contributes to the occurrence of metabolic disorders.

Together, all factors increase the risk of these


like diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, various cancers (for example, bowel cancer), and also leads to a decrease in testosterone levels.

In men of the Caucasian race, the waist is measured 11 cm above the navel. According to the norms, the waist circumference of the male should be no more than 94 cm. With an increase in waist circumference, the risk of endocrine diseases increases.

It is worth noting that the cause-and-effect relationships of the occurrence of excess weight in the abdomen and disorders with hormonal levels are multidirectional. For example, if a man initially did not have problems with hormones, but against the background of stress he limited his physical activity and brought down his diet, then with a high degree of probability his testosterone level may change, which, in turn, will lead to the formation of excess weight. And vice versa, if a man initially has problems with testosterone levels, then, naturally, his weight increases.

The reasons for the growth of the abdomen

The reasons for the excess growth of adipose tissue in the abdomen in men can be:

  • a consequence of endocrine pathology;

  • decrease in the level of physical activity;

  • improper nutrition.

In addition, lack of proper physical activity and improper diet can contribute to the occurrence of endocrine pathologies, which accordingly provokes the so-called growth

the abdomen.

Impact of the coronavirus on the problem

The pandemic has certainly increased overweight people. Measures introduced

prevention, including the ban on international travel, the need to work from home, social isolation, the closure of gyms, have led to a restriction of the usual routine and a decrease in the population’s income. All of these factors have significantly increased the risk of developing depressive disorders.

So, in 2020, a study was published in China, which identified about 20% of people with moderate to severe depression, and 30% of respondents with persistent anxiety. Elevated level stress и depression today can lead to an increase in the consumption of foods with a large amount of sugar and sleep problems, which is why we start to consume more calories. All of the above

factors in the aggregate contribute to weight gain in general and in the waist area in particular.

How to get rid of “excess belly”?

1. First of all, it is necessary be examined for endocrine diseases… If any are found by a doctor, then you should

focus on treating them. In overweight patients, the doctor

The first step is to check testosterone levels to rule out possible thyroid problems.

In 50% of cases in overweight men, a decrease in testosterone levels can be detected. Until the age of 20-25, the male hormone is actively accumulating, and by the age of 30-35 it gradually decreases. But it is important to understandb that excess weight can be both at 30 years old and at 18 years old. Therefore, there are patients with overweight and low testosterone at a young age and with normal values ​​at 70 years.

2. Also, it is important to monitor your physical activity and diet.

3. Overweight people are known to have increased need for

vitamin D

, therefore, those with an excess belly should include in their diet foods containing this group of vitamins: fish (herring, salmon, sardines), butter, egg yolks. All in moderation.

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