We all try to establish and maintain cleanliness and comfort in our family nest. After all, it is in such a world that representatives of the stronger sex want to come. However, there are objects in the house that, perhaps, decorate the atmosphere and seem necessary to you, but bring energy … treason. And most often it is in the bedroom that they are located. Let’s put things in order!
A mattress can destroy a family
1. A family bed must not have two mattresses. The deep rift between the two is an energetic rift in your relationship. Buy a large mattress topper and put away this ruined puzzle.
2. It is preferable for a man to sleep on the left side, then on a subconscious level it provides a woman with greater safety during sleep. And from the side of the heart it provides faithfulness.
3. No nude paintings above the headboard. Hang a picture of irises, this flower is a symbol of fidelity.
4. Fresh flowers in the bedroom. Cacti on the windowsill are a symbol of the hardening of feelings. Curly flowers confuse men’s thoughts. Dry ikebana in the bedroom leads to cooling in the bed.
5. Mirrors. Your bed should not be reflected in the mirror. You can make a nice decor of the surface by diluting the reflective glass with a pattern.
6. Nothing should lie under the bed and should always be clean. Even a loose sock or a lost slipper carries negative energy for a relationship.
7. A statuette with a picture of a woman’s face has no place on a shelf in a bedroom.
Paired images or figurines bring happiness to lovers. For example, mandarin ducks are a symbol of fidelity in marriage.
8. If you have a new relationship, Feng Shui strongly recommends changing everything in the bedroom: bedding, curtains, paintings, pillows. It is unrealistic, of course, in our living conditions. But it is logical. If you can’t throw everything away, then at least all the bedding should be held in bright sunlight. “Clean up” from the past.
9. There is no place for a computer in the bedroom. If it is needed in this particular place, the monitor should not look at your bed.
10. It is better not to put the TV on, but where can a modern married couple do without it ?! If no one agrees to part with a TV friend, then place him so that he is at least half a meter above the bed level. Better yet, fix it on the wall.
11. The energy of the water in the bedroom does not bring fidelity. Discard the aquarium in this place or artificial waterfalls.