Why marriages usually break up and how to prevent it

At the beginning of family life, any couple, of course, believes in a happy future and many years together. Unfortunately, these rosy predictions do not come true for everyone. And usually it’s not at all that the partners suddenly “didn’t agree on the characters”. Marriage counselor Jasmine Diaz believes four common problems are the most common cause of divorce.

How to save love and save marriage from a sad ending? To begin with, to understand what troubles can threaten him. Here are some common reasons families break up.

1. Lack of communication

Many either do not know how to tell their experiences and emotions in an accessible way so that a partner can understand them, or do not even try to do it. It may sound trite, but still communication is the basis of any relationship. How can a partner improve for the good of the relationship if he does not suspect that this is expected of him? Do not forget that your spouse is not a telepath.

If you understand that the family is having communication problems, try to specifically set aside time for this. For example, once a week discuss what questions you have for each other that may not suit each of you in a relationship. During these conversations, try to refrain from making accusations. It is better, for example, to order pizza at home and have a conversation in a relaxed atmosphere. By making this kind of sharing a family tradition, you can identify potential problems early and address them before they seriously damage your relationship.

2. Lack of care for each other

In any relationship, the feeling of novelty is sooner or later replaced by a feeling of comfort. Which, of course, has its advantages. Problems arise when, because of it, partners begin to think less about the feelings of the other and show less love and care.

Instead of the previous declarations of love and tenderness, the partners exchange reproaches and insults. As a result, you forget and stop seeing each other’s virtues and focus too much on the shortcomings and qualities that are annoying.

How to prevent this? Try to avoid routine and add variety to your life together. For example, go on dates once a month to freshen up the relationship and don’t stop caring about each other.

3. Avoidance of responsibility

Something truly worthwhile can only come from hard work, and marriage is no exception. If you are one of those who by all means avoids conflicts and prefers to give up at the first difficulties, your family union will most likely not last long.

Even if you have not yet matured to a full-fledged discussion of the problems that have arisen in a couple, you still should not pretend that they do not exist at all. In a healthy relationship, each of the partners is ready to join at the right time in order to work together to overcome a difficult period.

It is important to be patient and listen to your partner’s point of view, even when you disagree with him. And make a conscious decision to work on the problem, and not eliminate yourself. Once you accept the idea that you can run away from problems into a divorce, you will surely form an automatic reaction to any difficulty. Instead, tell your partner: “I want to fix everything.” Together you will find a solution.

4. Lack of intimacy

It’s not just about sexual intimacy. Intimacy in a love relationship is also about sincerity, kinship of souls and sensuality. In some couples, they are lost over time, and problems become a separating barrier and prevent them from being restored.

The closeness you felt at the beginning of the relationship is replaced by a host of other emotions. Before a stormy sex life is gradually fading away. It would seem that a simple and obvious recipe is to have sex more often. But this is just a symptom, the real problem cannot be solved in this way. To bring sensuality and intimacy back into the relationship, try to create an intimate atmosphere yourself. For example, light candles and play romantic music when you cook dinner together.

When spending time with your partner, eliminate distractions (especially electronics) to be fully present in the present moment and bring a sense of intimacy back into the relationship.

About the Author: Jasmine Diaz is a marriage counselor.

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