Why lemon leaves fall, methods of struggle

Why lemon leaves fall, methods of struggle

Why lemon leaves fall, methods of struggle

Many people grow or breed citrus fruits at home, because it is not only always a green, attractive plant, but a pleasant fresh aroma and, if properly cared for, a good harvest. And what could be more original than home-grown lemons on the festive table at any time of the year?

However, it often happens that the leaves fall off the lemon. More recently, a green leaf suddenly begins to curl and dry out. There are several reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon.

The reason is improper care

One of the most likely reasons why lemon leaves fall is the illiterate care of a houseplant. Often, a lemon is watered with cold water, the soil dries out, or, conversely, due to abundant watering, the soil does not dry out and the root system begins to rot. Also a common mistake, high temperature and low air humidity, low lighting lead to the depletion of the home tree, twisting and yellowing of the leaf tips, and premature fall of unripe fruits. At the same time, too much light also harms the tree.

Do not be afraid if the leaves of a newly acquired lemon begin to turn yellow, it can be easily saved from such an ailment. The adaptation period of the plant takes about 2-3 weeks, after which it will stop shedding foliage and give new buds. Lemon belongs to a tropical species, and its native atmosphere is humid subtropics. The most difficult period at home for him is winter.

Lemon leaves also fall off with insufficient, irregular or untimely fertilization of the soil. You can not enter an abundant amount of fertilizer during the summer heat, during this period they can harm the plant more. Top dressing should be done in winter and especially in the spring, growing season. In the photo below, you can see what a healthy Meyer lemon looks like.

Why lemon leaves fall, methods of struggle

Cause – pests

It is possible that the leaves of a lemon fall off due to a spider mite, aphid, scale insect, mealybug, or a disease such as gommosis.

Signs of the appearance of a tick is the appearance of a thin web at the base of the leaf. In a short period, the foliage begins to curl, turn yellow and fall off. The most favorable conditions for the appearance of a tick or other pests are dry, hot climates. It helps to get rid of such a pest by treating the plant with insectoacaricides.

If an aphid is found on the back of the leaf, it should be removed along with the affected area and the entire tree should be dipped in hot water, in cases where it is still small, or treated with soapy water. With a large-scale defeat of aphids, you should spray the lemon with a special preparation, for example, Tanrek.

Why lemon leaves fall, methods of struggle

What to do?

You can save a lemon and ripening fruits by moving it to the southern part of the window, avoiding direct sunlight. Reflective surfaces should be installed around the plant, which will create additional light that will not burn the leaves. In the evening, it is necessary to turn on fluorescent lamps next to the lemon, as it needs a longer daylight hours.

Do not bring the earthen clod to complete drying, as in this case the roots may die off, the movement of juices is greatly slowed down, especially in a young lemon, it will be almost very difficult to save it. The soil should be kept at medium humidity, the top layers are allowed to dry by 2-2,5 cm. This is a necessary condition for the lemon to be green all year round and regularly bear fruit.

In order not to wonder why lemon leaves fall, mineral fertilizers should be applied regularly and in a timely manner. This is especially important during the period of active growth in early spring and early summer. You can purchase special complex additives containing the necessary phosphates, potassium salts, cobalt, zinc, selenium and other minerals.

Maintain acceptable air humidity for the plant, do not move it close to the radiator and regularly spray the foliage with warm water. A cool room and drafts also adversely affect the tree. Be sure to carry out every year in the spring for the prevention and prevention of diseases, the chemical treatment of the plant with special preparations of insectoacaricides.

Why lemon leaves fall, methods of struggle

Video “Why lemon leaves fall and how to deal with it”

This video covers the most common causes of lemon leaf fall. Talks about affordable and effective methods of struggle.

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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