Fans of the Duchess of Cambridge come up with all sorts of legends, unable to explain how she manages to lose weight so quickly after giving birth. It turned out that the whole thing is in the strict diet that the royal person adheres to.
Kate Middleton
Any appearance of Kate Middleton begs (among others) the same question – how does she manage to stay so thin? Yes, everyone knows that Katherine is not inclined to be overweight, but do not forget that she is a mother of many children. And the events of recent years (since the appearance of Meghan Markle) have been very stressful – for sure the duchess more than once wanted to seize sadness or anxiety with a high-calorie dish. But no!
It turns out that Kate Middleton has a strict diet that she adheres to in order to stay slim.
As the journalists of The Sun reported, the Duchess of Cambridge is a fan of the Ducan diet, which assumes the presence of a large amount of protein and a minimum of carbohydrates in the diet. Following this dietary regime, the wife of Prince William was preparing for the wedding and losing weight after giving birth.
Good habits help Kate to consolidate the result: since 2014, she has from time to time increased in her diet the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as raw fish.
Peruvian ceviche is one of her favorites.
However, sometimes the royals allow themselves small dietary indulgences. As an exception, Kate eats pizza – for example, using this Italian dish she distracted herself from pain during labor, giving birth to Prince George in 2013. Middleton is also a big fan of curry (its duchess is brought from a favorite London restaurant) and sometimes pampers the family with homemade food made according to her mother Carol’s recipes.
Amazingly, Kate Middleton managed to regain her slimness in the shortest possible time after all three births
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As you know, the best diet partner is an active lifestyle, and Kate adheres to it. She enjoys jogging, walking the dogs, taking time to swim, play tennis or go skiing.