- Why it stings the skin of the face after the cream and what to do with it: advice from a beautician
- Reason 1. Active cream components
- Reason 2. You have a skin condition
- Reason 3. Your skin hasn’t had time to adapt
- Reason 4. This cream is not for you
- Reason 5. It’s time to change the cream
- Reason 6. Skin asks for a breather
Why it stings the skin of the face after the cream and what to do with it: advice from a beautician
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Few of us carefully study the composition of the cream before buying, but in vain. Some components of cosmetics can cause dryness, tightness and burning of the skin on the face. But why does the skin burn after applying the cream? It turns out there are several reasons for this.
Reason 1. Active cream components
If you have sensitive skin, keep your moisturizers as low as possible with preservatives, fragrances or acrylates (esters of acrylic acid or its salt), many of which can be unpleasant. It happens that immediately after applying the cream, redness appears, everything burns and stings, and then these symptoms disappear. This means that the cream contains active additives that cause an allergic reaction. Doctors recommend choosing creams with a simple composition, which include soothing ingredients: aloe, calendula, vitamin E, lavender oil.
Reason 2. You have a skin condition
If you cannot find the cream for a long time and are constantly suffering from rashes and itching, you may have rosacea – a skin disorder that causes inflammation, blistering and redness. Many people underestimate the severity of this problem, confusing it with the usual pimples and irritation, and are in no hurry to go to the doctor, suffering for several years. Another problem could be seborrheic dermatitisoften confused with dry skin. Meanwhile, both rosocea and dermatitis are treated quite successfully with antifungal creams and antibiotics. To exclude the possibility of a skin disease, do not be too lazy to go to a dermatologist.
Reason 3. Your skin hasn’t had time to adapt
If you have recently changed a cream to which your skin has long been accustomed, do not rush to jump to conclusions. You may need 2-3 weeks for the facial skin to adapt and stop burning and itching. If the redness decreases every day, then you just need time to get used to the new cosmetic. But if the discomfort persists, stop using the cream.
Reason 4. This cream is not for you
Yes, yes, if you still doubt that not every cream, even a very expensive one, can make your skin glow, as in advertising, this happens all the time. It is possible that you bought yourself the same remedy as from a friend, but it turned out that everything burns from it and stings the skin. Many creams can change the pH balance of your skin, enlarge or shrink pores, stimulate the sebaceous glands, and cause discomfort. If this happens, take the time to consult with a dermatologist, he will advise the types of creams that will most likely suit you.
Reason 5. It’s time to change the cream
Burning and redness of the skin of the face can occur due to the fact that the cream has expired or because it is no longer suitable for you. It happens that even the usual creams that you have been using for several years begin to cause an allergic reaction. Perhaps, changes have occurred in your body and the components of the usual cream are no longer suitable for your skin. In any case, you will need to change your moisturizer.
Reason 6. Skin asks for a breather
If your cream causes tightness and burning, try skipping creams altogether. Perhaps your skin is simply tired of an overabundance of cosmetics and active ingredients that it contains. Change to a neutral oil such as coconut oil for a while. You can buy it at a pharmacy or grocery store. It will moisturize and soothe the skin and give it a break.
If you have an allergy, it is important to choose the right cosmetics. Face cream for allergy sufferers must meet the following characteristics:
contain moisturizing ingredients;
eliminate itching and burning;
quickly remove signs of irritation on the skin;
protect the dermis from allergens;
have an increased effect of exposure.
Before using the product, it is imperative to make sure that it does not contain substances to which the skin of the face may react inadequately. Individual intolerance to some ingredients can lead to dangerous and unpredictable consequences.
Irina Falcao, Anna Gerasimenko