IT specialists told RAEC about their career prospects and feelings about the IT industry in a crisis
The RAEC/Anti-Crisis 2022 project conducted a survey among IT specialists for the fourth time. The questions concerned professional prospects, expectations from the IT industry, government support measures, and relocation opportunities. The survey involved specialists both from Moscow and St. Petersburg (55,9%) and from other regions (41,5%). 2,6% of respondents live outside the Russian Federation.
Here are The survey showed the results:
Almost half of the respondents (45,2%) experience positive emotions about their career prospects. The RAEC notes that “optimists” see new opportunities for development and creation of innovative projects. At the same time, the number of those who are negatively inclined is not much less – 41,5% of the respondents. This indicator decreased by 1,9% compared with the May survey. The remaining 13,3% of participants evaluate their professional prospects as neutral.
With grades prospects for the Russian IT industry, things are different. The number of those who experience negative feelings increased by 7,3% compared to the previous survey – and amounted to 50,7%. Positive feelings are experienced by 39,7% of respondents, which is 5,5% less than in May. Analysts believe that this is due to controversial initiatives on the part of the state – among them are amendments to the law “On Advertising”, according to which all advertising data will be stored in a single register. At the same time, not market participants themselves will upload information there, but advertising data operators appointed by Roskomnadzor.
All advertisers will have to adapt to the new conditions, and classified services like Yula and Avito may especially suffer – the creation of a single monopoly operator may destroy them. This will hit the IT community, which has been creating technology products for years, especially in combination with the departure of foreign companies and the relocation of many teams abroad. Almost all market players spoke out against the amendments, including the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, ACIT, RAEC, Avito, the Russian Guild of Realtors, the governments of Moscow and St. Petersburg, Sberbank, Yandex, and others.
58% of summer survey respondents employed and do not plan to change jobs. This figure increased by 3,3%.
More than half of the respondents (56,7%) do not consider sufficient state measures to support the IT industry and expect more activity in this direction. In May, 40% of respondents answered this way. At the same time, 24% of specialists consider the measures useful for themselves.
Fewer IT professionals think about relocation: 20,9% versus 24% in May. Most of the respondents who answered in the affirmative live in Moscow and St. Petersburg. 70,4% of respondents do not consider the option of relocation in the next month, and the number of those who left in June-August was 2,2% – in May there were 4,4%.
Among IT specialists who left our country 49,3% do not plan to return in the next six months, while 50,7% are considering this option.
RAEC also invited IT workers to tell what additional measures could significantly help their company. The top 5 answers included:
- 17,3% – financial and material support from the state: grants, loans, assistance in the purchase of equipment;
- 8,2% – stabilization of the situation and return to normal life;
- 7,9% – exemption from personal income tax and other taxes;
- 6,4% – additional support measures for industry employees: increasing income, reducing mortgage payments;
- 5,3% – assistance in import substitution: creation of registers of Russian solutions, platforms for finding suppliers and customers.