No superstitions: just the letter of the law and a little psychology.
297 May 2020
May holidays this year, many of us do not spend in overseas countries, but at our own country house or in conditions close to summer cottages – fortunately, we were allowed to go there. By the way, according to, most of them will spend their summer holidays there. And the dacha is not only beds and hard work, but also different joys. For example, kebabs. But is it possible to fry them in self-isolation and quarantine mode? The rules are currently explained by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
It is possible to fry kebabs in a summer cottage only if the grill is installed at least 5 m from the house, the department explained.
“The requirements of the legislation in the field of fire safety do not prohibit the preparation of barbecue. Inside the suburban area, you can use stationary grills or stoves, made in compliance with fire safety requirements, with a cleared area within a radius of 2 meters and at a distance of no closer than 5 meters from buildings, ”read the recommendations.
In addition, other requirements must be met. In particular, the distance to the nearest deciduous trees should be at least 30 meters, to conifers – 100 meters. In windy weather, making a fire – even in the grill – is not recommended by the Emergencies Ministry.
There should be fire extinguishing means near the barbecue, regardless of the weather, ideally a fire extinguisher, but a barrel of water or sand will do. Therefore, if your place for barbecue does not meet all these conditions, it is better to refuse your favorite delicacy for May.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations also recalled that under the conditions of a special fire-fighting regime, it is forbidden to make open fires and cook food even on the coals left after extinguishing it.
Remember: kebabs are categorically forbidden to grill in the courtyard of a high-rise building or in garages, on the balconies and loggias of apartments and anywhere in nature. For violation of the prohibitions, a fine is threatened. For example, for violation of a special fire regime, an administrative fine of up to 5 thousand rubles is provided. And if there was a fire and there were serious consequences from it, then the culprit may face criminal liability.
Note that on the eve of a long weekend, the director of the Department of Supervision and Preventive Work of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia, Rinat Yenikeev, said that kebabs can only be fried in their summer cottages, subject to the self-isolation regime and fire safety rules.
However, we advise you to refrain from this also for psychological reasons. Kebabs are such a thing that is good in a company. And it is illegal to assemble a company in self-isolation. You will not be able to call your neighbors or friends. And if you do call, it is possible that the same neighbors will complain to the police about the noise – and trouble is guaranteed.