Why Isometric Exercises Are So Important

Why Isometric Exercises Are So Important


They are basic exercises, but also those that give us increased muscle strength, better performance and low risk of injury

Why Isometric Exercises Are So Important

The constant search for a firm and toned abdomen is one of the great arguments when starting to exercise. However, we usually resort to traditional routines without paying attention to the alternatives that can help us to work this area more effectively. A clear example is isometric exercises, and of which we can benefit in other areas of our bodysuch as glutes and back.

Alex Garcia, personal trainer and director of Fit Club Madrid points out the keys to isometric exercises and where their success lies: «It consists of maintaining muscle tension without generating any contraction movement or muscle extension. Normally exercise should stop after a few 10-15 seconds.

For the training to be effective, as the expert points out, it will depend on the objective that we set ourselves. «Every fitness routine should be done with a warm-up prior to exercise and ending with a stretch. And it would be ideal if the first series of isometrics we do do it in a little less time than usual to take them as more warm-up even to avoid future injuries “, advises Alex García. But what exercises are included in a isometric training?

Static plank on arms, elbows or side. With this exercise we will work the whole body, focusing on abs, obliques and arms. «This exercise is performed facing the ground by placing the palms on the ground or the elbows and with the hips in the air. In this way we would have the feet and hands as supports and we would hold with a contraction of the abdomen for the indicated time ”, says the personal trainer.

Static squat against the wall or in the air. We strengthen thighs, back and glutes. The expert says that we will place our feet at the width of the hips with the tips of the feet facing forward, in this way we will flex the knees keeping all the weight distributed on our sole of the foot evenly and also keeping our back as straight as possible. We would go down to approximately a 90 degree angle and there we would be holding the marked time.

Isometric stride, ideal for working quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes.

Rowing. For this exercise you would need some material such as dumbbells, bands, rubber bands, TRX. «It is done by approaching a load (which can be the dumbbell or us in the case of the TRX) with an arm flexion perpendicular to our torso and directing the hand to the side of our ribs. Once the hand reaches the height of our torso, there we will endure in the maximum contraction, deriving all our attention to the back for further development of it, “he says.

With these exercises, as the coach points out, we strengthen very specific areas of the body and improve performance without spending too much time and with the help of the material you like the most: «You can do it with all the material you want since the exercise only consists of a constant contraction of the muscle. So you can do it with your own weight without using anything until you take advantage of any material.

Benefits of isometric exercises

  • Increased muscle strength.
  • Improve our performance.
  • Low risk of injury.
  • They help prevent injuries and treat them.
  • Easy execution.
  • You do not need specific sports equipment.
  • It takes little time.

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