In summer, many women do not crawl out of their trousers because of their dislike of skirts and dresses: this is how the fair sex hides venous nodes and vascular “stars” on their legs from prying eyes.
High heels are not the main cause of varicose veins
All these are signs of varicose veins, which causes not only aesthetic inconveniences, but also quite real physical suffering – pain, swelling, etc. Is there a chance to get rid of them, or at least minimize their impact on a woman’s life? We collected the most frequently asked questions regarding varicose veins, and asked Dmitry Vladimirovich Blinov, a phlebologist surgeon at the Nizhny Novgorod clinic “Phlebology Center”, to answer them.
After sitting for a long time, pain appears in the legs (in the lower leg, in the calves). What to do?
Pain after long sitting is a functional disorder that can affect anyone by the end of the working day (especially with continuous sitting). If protruding veins appear, this is the first call that varicose veins are taking place, which requires treatment. It is imperative to undergo an examination. It is better to do this in one of the specialized clinics. The examination takes about 30 minutes. It is better to come to the doctor on time so as not to bring the matter to the operation.
Is the presence of “stars” on the legs already varicose veins?
Earlier, when there were no narrow specialists, vascular “asterisks” were not regarded as varicose veins, but were considered a cosmetic problem. In the CEAP classification of the disease, “asterisks” are considered signs of the first degree of varicose veins. There are only six of them, the sixth is already a trophic ulcer. But not all the presence of “stars” leads in the future to varicose veins. For some, they remain just a cosmetic problem. In any case, it is necessary to undergo an examination to determine the degree of risk of the disease.
Doctors say that walking in high heels is harmful, and fashion expert Evelina Khromchenko (Fashionable Sentence, Channel One) assures that there is nothing wrong with that. Whom to listen to?
A high heel can be a trigger for venous insufficiency. When the arch of the foot is strongly raised, the work of the calf muscles can cause tension in the ligaments, soft tissues, and skin, which leads to the appearance of the first “stars” and orthopedic disorders. In addition, a high heel contributes to an increased risk of injury (subluxation with a weak ligamentous apparatus, etc.). But this does not mean that we, phlebologists, prohibit high-heeled shoes. Focus on your own health, feelings, examine your legs. If you rarely wear high heels, this is unlikely to provoke varicose veins. If these are your everyday shoes, watch your feet. Have you noticed that high-heeled shoes give you discomfort – wear them less often, or even give up on them altogether. Do not forget to “unload” your legs after high heels: put them in an elevated position, do a contrast shower (cold-warm), light massage.
Legs swollen? Change your pose!
Is it harmful to sunbathe with varicose veins? Is it possible to visit the bathhouse with varicose veins?
There is no direct harm as such, but a risk factor for overheating of the body and the varicose zone can provoke inflammation in the veins. As for the bath, it all depends on the stage of varicose veins in the legs. If these are “star nets”, then the bath and sauna are not contraindicated. If there are protruding varicose nodules, then it is better not to abuse the steam room.
Can pregnancy cause varicose veins? What should you do at this time to keep your legs healthy?
Pregnancy and childbirth are a high risk factor for varicose veins on the legs. If a woman does not have a predisposition to the disease (hereditary factor, external factors, etc.), then the course of the disease in subsequent pregnancies may not be progressive. If, in the first pregnancy, the first signs of the disease have already appeared, then in subsequent pregnancies the condition may worsen at times. Therefore, prevention during pregnancy is mandatory: wearing compression hosiery, performing special exercises, etc.
Can the appearance of a vascular network on the legs be regarded as a pathology of adulthood?
In adulthood, there may be several reasons for the appearance of the vascular network: hormonal changes in the body, weight gain, lack of vitamins, etc. If the grid is not numerous, then it is unlikely that it can globally affect health. But it is still better to make a diagnosis, after which it will become clear whether this is a disease or a cosmetic defect that can be removed with the help of injections – to do sclerosis.
Is varicose veins a hereditary disease?
The hereditary factor is the main one in the development of this disease. If one of the close relatives has varicose veins along the line of the parents, then the risk of the disease is high. And although the disease does not necessarily manifest itself in 100% of cases, it is simply necessary to make a diagnosis with a specialist and consult a doctor. The gold standard for diagnosing vein problems is ultrasound of the venous system of the legs (duplex or triplex scanning). The research takes 10 to 30 minutes.
Office workers should try to get up from their chairs at least every hour during the working day and take a walk
Is there a prevention of varicose veins?
Yes, there is and includes special exercises, compression hosiery (knee-highs, tights), the use of venotonics – drugs that strengthen the venous wall and improve blood circulation. To some extent, specialized gels and ointments help relieve discomfort in the legs, but we must remember that they will not cure the disease. If a person does not have global vein diseases, then local treatment helps to live more comfortably. If the pain in the legs grows like a snowball, then you need to find their cause. These may not necessarily be veins, but, for example, joints, nerves, muscles, etc. If a person has any clinical manifestations of the disease (complaints of heaviness in the legs, fatigue, the appearance of edema by the end of the day, some skin changes), you need to go to the doctor. He will diagnose and determine the methods of prevention, and, if necessary, treatment.
In summer, the legs begin to swell, even if the amount of fluid you drink does not increase. What to do?
Office workers should try to get up from their chairs at least every hour and take a walk during the working day. You can do exercises in a sitting position – imitate walking. It helps a lot to relieve the calf muscles so that they work and expel excess fluid. For prevention purposes, it would be good, despite the warm weather, to find an opportunity to use preventive knee-highs, at least at work, in an air-conditioned room. Wearing compression hosiery (knee-highs, stockings, tights) is the basis in the prevention and treatment of venous insufficiency of the lower extremities.
What kinds of sports are undesirable for varicose veins?
It all depends on the form of varicose veins on the legs. With initial varicose veins (mesh, asterisks), there are practically no restrictions on sports. Weightlifting is a harmful sport for venous insufficiency.
What is the cause of night cramps in the calves and how to deal with it?
Leg cramps can occur for several reasons. If it was an intense day, the muscles are greatly overloaded, overflowing with blood, and then in a horizontal position they are freed from it. But most often night and morning pains in the legs are associated with a disease of the spine (osteochondrosis, curvature, protrusion, intervertebral hernia, etc.).