Why is there such a big difference between success and luck?

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers!

Success and luck, what is the difference and does it exist? It is these issues that today’s article is devoted to. Let’s try to figure out together what each of these two concepts means, then it will be easier to answer.


If we imagine it as a metaphor, then success is a ladder with countless steps, crossing which, a person climbs higher and higher. Usually it is symbolized with financial well-being.

But its most valuable component is self-realization. Which is not always accompanied by money.

For example, a woman can be successful in household chores, completely unfocused in business matters. Here she manages to create a cozy atmosphere with a pleasant aroma of freshly baked cinnamon buns. And to keep accounting records of expenses and incomes of the enterprise is not very good. If only because you don’t like it.

Is it possible to call her self-fulfilled if she organized her life in such a way that she does only what brings her pleasure and succeeds without much difficulty? I think so, how about you?

So, we can conclude that success is the result of the efforts that a person has made. He was able to recognize what he wants, in which direction to move, what to rely on, and so on.

Good luck

Luck is by no means the merit of man. Yes, it pleases, but does not give a sense of satisfaction and recognition.

Usually the stories of people who won the lottery end rather sadly. They end up where they started. Literally in a year, most of them become bankrupt, having lost even millions of prizes.

But those who know how not only to earn, but also to increase what they already have, even getting into a billion-dollar debt hole, get out of it and restore their financial situation.

You can read, for example, the biography of Donald Trump and you will understand that luck is, of course, good, but usually those who are already successful and know where to look for it are usually lucky.


As you could understand, both success and luck are in the hands of the person himself. Regardless of how big the difference is between the two.

Be attentive to what is happening around, suddenly, and, really, happiness is nearby, but you don’t notice it? And do not forget to explore your needs at the same time in order to take at least small steps towards the desired result every day.

Here is an article to inspire you. It contains the stories of already famous people who managed to reach heights no matter what.

Take care of yourself and be happy, as well as successful and lucky!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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