Things are scattered, there are piles of papers on the desktop, dirty plates do not fit in the sink – the living space begins to resemble Augean stables. Why is this happening? Busy schedule leaves no time for cleaning? It is this reason that is most often called by people who are not able to put things in order. But not everything is so clear.
Chaos as a way of self-affirmation
Behind chronic turmoil at home may be an inability to bring order to your life or a refusal to take responsibility for it. A disorganized person always expects from others the same help that, for example, his parents gave him when he was little.
Sometimes this disorder has a “camouflage character”. Everyone knows people who, in their mess, navigate like a fish in water, instantly get the right thing or extract the necessary memo from a pile of papers. If they put everything on the shelves, then they will definitely not find anything. The charming chaos in which these types of people live is a manifestation of their creativity and a way to tell the world: “I live as I want.”
“I sow disorder around me because order is required of me.” Such a behavioral pattern usually originates in adolescence – the age of protest, the rejection of generally accepted rules, the search for a way to assert oneself. The main thing for such people is not to behave according to the rules imposed by society and parents.
Disorder as a breath of air and manifestation of freedom
So, we came to the conclusion that there is a type of sluts who have not yet parted with teenage complexes and use disorder as a way of protest self-assertion. Or maybe he came into their lives as a result of social control and pressure from outside? External pressure turned into internal tension, the person simply began to suffocate from it. And the mess became a safety valve, a breath of fresh air.
We admit that sometimes this behavioral pattern indicates simple laziness.
When does confusion become a problem?
The owner of this merit may become the first victim: missing the train due to confusion in tickets, errors in work due to confusion in the diary. A disorganized person understands that his behavior often creates problematic and intractable situations, but he cannot do anything about it. The reason for this pattern is the inability to cope with anxiety states, the internal constant readiness for failure. In this case, it is worth working with a psychologist.
Disorder in defiance of others
If real chaos reigns in the house due to the fault of one of the spouses, who is thus trying to declare his freedom, then this is absolutely unacceptable. Why infringe on other family members and take away their vital space? One of the possible results is a natural defensive reaction of the second half: a sloppy spouse will simply be thrown out of the house.
Perfect order, right?
A maniacal and constantly maintained order is also a disaster, this is a manifestation of obsessive states. Such behavior is characteristic of the owners of a rigid psyche, inflexible people. Accustomed to the ideal order, a person tries to cope with anxiety through the objects placed in their places. The main thing is that the habit of keeping everything in its place does not develop into a pathology.