- Village in Miller’s dream book
- Village in Vanga’s dream book
- Village in the Islamic dream book
- Village in Freud’s dream book
- Village in Loff’s dream book
- Village in the dream book of Nostradamus
- Village in Tsvetkov’s dream book
- Village in the Esoteric dream book
- Village in Hasse’s dream book
- Expert Commentary
Some interpreters of dreams analyzed the image of a settlement without making a distinction between a city or a village. For others, it was of fundamental importance. Still others generally considered this symbol to be too abstract and advised to analyze the brightest details – for example, what the streets looked like, or what the population remembered.
Try to remember the dream in detail, understand what was key in it, and proceed to the analysis. All these subtleties will help you figure out what the village is dreaming of from the dream book.
Village in Miller’s dream book
Anyone who had a rest in a village in a dream will not know problems with health and prosperity in reality. If the dreamed village house is not just some kind of abstract, but the one where your childhood or youth passed, then you will receive news from old friends who have not been in touch for a long time, or unexpected but pleasant events will happen.
It’s bad if the dreamed village turned out to be abandoned or the dream was some kind of strange, unclear – longing and troubles will settle in your life.
If you find yourself in an unfamiliar village, and this particular fact has become key in a dream (for example, you are trying to understand how you ended up in a foreign land or trying to find out something about this place), then large-scale changes await you. They may be related to work, habits or place of residence. It is possible that life will begin to change because of a sad occasion.
Village in Vanga’s dream book
Did you find yourself in a dream in a village? It’s time to remember the roots. Your loved ones (parents, if they are alive, or other close relatives) need help. If, according to the plot of the dream, you go to the village during your summer vacation, then it’s time to think about the past – it has been haunting you for a long time. But if you go there to work, you will have to make a lot of efforts to solve the problems that have arisen at work.
What was the dream village like? If beautiful, prosperous, then any undertakings will bring profit, and peace and comfort will reign in the house; if abandoned, destroyed, then you should prepare for problems, illnesses, disappointment or loneliness.
Buying a house in the countryside is a good sign, but selling it is a bad sign. In the first case, the dream portends that some kind of acquisition made in real life will be very profitable. In the second – that the coming changes will not have the best effect on business.
Village in the Islamic dream book
For worldly people, the village dreams of peace and security, while religious people dream of abstinence.
If in a dream you clearly saw the moment you enter or enter the village, then in reality you will be able to protect yourself from what you were seriously afraid of.
In the destroyed village, Muslim interpreters saw a global meaning – either the faith and religion of the people inhabiting it will decline, or they will wallow in hardships and hardships and lose worldly blessings. There is also a version that such a dream may occur on the eve of the death of a famous scientist.
Village in Freud’s dream book
The psychoanalyst considered the settlement a symbolic image of a woman. Therefore, he associated a trip around the village, as well as a walk or a boat trip, with the desire to enter into intimacy or even acquire offspring.
Village in Loff’s dream book
When asked what you associate the village with, many answer – with clean air, high-quality products, special comfort in houses, a quiet and measured life. Here everyone knows each other, they smile affably even to strangers – in general, the rural way of life has nothing to do with the noisy, bustling city life.
Therefore, when an image of a beautiful village appears in a dream, this reflects a stable, calm, successful life in reality. If so far things are not going well, it means that soon everything will work out. An abandoned, impoverished village with rickety houses is a dream for those who are in a state of anxiety due to unfavorable developments.
But these are very general explanations. Loff recommends considering the interpretation of specific images. What do you remember most about your dream?
House – remember what it looked like, was there a bridge nearby, a temple or a playground? The building was surrounded by a fence, what? With gates or without? What surprised you about them? Were there more flowers or fruit trees nearby?
People – what age, young or old men and old women? Did you understand who we are talking about, or did you dream of strangers?
Animals – wild or domestic? With or without horns? How many dogs have you seen?
The nature around and the weather – did the mountainous or flat landscape prevail? Did you dream of a pond? If so, what did you do – admire, swim, fish? Was the weather comfortable, cloudy or so clear that the moon could be clearly seen?
Were you yourself the key figure in the dream? What did you do and feel – calm and secure or anxious and vulnerable? Did you just walk around or came for a photo shoot? Did you know where to go, or were you lost?
Village in the dream book of Nostradamus
Michel Nostradamus’ predictions were very abstract. Therefore, the researchers were able to identify only a small number of symbols that are important in the interpretation of dreams.
There is no single explanation of what the village is dreaming of in the works of the seer. It makes sense to analyze other images that may appear in the context of such a dream. For example, remember, were the roads in the village comfortable or did you have to knead the dirt? What was happening in the sky – the moon was shining, lightning was flashing, it was raining? Who did you meet – adults, children, cats, rats, birds, dogs? What buildings came across along the way – a well, a church?
Village in Tsvetkov’s dream book
Tsvetkov classified any dreams associated with the village as positive, promising happiness. The exception is a dream in which you will be looking for someone’s house – you will have to be nervous because of scandals and gossip.
Village in the Esoteric dream book
A small village dreams of unfair condemnation, slander (or your gossip will turn against you yourself); large – for a business trip or a new position; exotic place – to a headache; familiar from childhood – health signals heart problems.
Village in Hasse’s dream book
The main meaning that the medium put into the image of the village is an indispensable explanation with the enemy.
If in a dream you noticed that the village was very large, then you will be able to collect a lot of important information. Participation in the construction of the village promises fun and happiness.
Expert Commentary
Anna Pogoreltseva, psychologist:
Any house always symbolizes a person’s life, his inner state. Therefore, it matters how the village looked in a dream.
Cozy, blooming, with beautiful houses (especially if you dreamed about how you are relaxing in a hammock), the village speaks of peace, lightness, joy, love, family, children.
If the village was old, abandoned, with collapsed houses, then things will collapse, quarrels and partings will come in life. That is, a dream also means everything related to personal life, but from the negative side.
Also, a dream about a village may indicate a lack of rest – because sometimes we all want to return to the village, to the village where we lived or visited our grandparents.