Why is the use of carbonated drinks harmful? Video
Carbonated drinks are very popular with both children and adults. However, unfortunately, they are not nearly as harmless to health as people think. If you drink soda rarely and in small quantities, problems most likely will not arise, however, regular consumption of such drinks can lead to a deterioration in well-being and even appearance.
Drinking carbonated drinks: video on the dangers of soda
How soda affects internal organs
Carbonated drinks work primarily on the kidneys. According to the observations of specialists, people who regularly use them have a significantly increased risk of renal colic. The fact is that in addition to carbon dioxide, dyes, flavors and various additives, the use of which is very doubtful, the composition of drinks with gas includes phosphoric acid, moreover in very large quantities, and it provokes disruptions in the functioning of the kidneys.
The content of the harmful ingredient varies depending on the composition of a particular drink, but one way or another, any soda contains a lot of phosphoric acid.
If a person regularly drinks carbonated drinks, not only his kidneys are affected. This habit is very harmful for the liver: it is enough to drink a liter of such liquid every day to increase the risk of liver disease fivefold. However, the problems don’t end there: many brands of soda have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system and can increase the risk of diabetes.
Carbonated drinks and deterioration in appearance
The sweet fizzy is high in calories. According to the observations of doctors, it is enough to drink 300 ml of such a drink to gain 500-700 g of excess weight per month. First of all, this has a bad effect on the condition of the figure, but you should not think that other problems will not arise. The fact is that the constant use of sweet fizzy significantly increases the risk of obesity, and this is already fraught with shortness of breath, heart problems, excessive stress on internal organs, etc.
Carbonated drinks are also very bad for your teeth. They not only change the shade of the enamel, making it yellowish or brownish, but also destroy the minerals that make up it. The fact is that such drinks are highly acidic. They can make the gums much more sensitive and also contribute to tooth decay. It is strongly discouraged to brush your teeth soon after consuming such drinks. In addition, dentists recommend that people who cannot refuse soda, at least drink it through a straw, to minimize contact of liquid with tooth enamel.
Carbonated drinks and serious illnesses
Experts have found that the acidity of many brands of carbonated water is so high that the liquid can even corrode the bottom and walls of metal vessels. If you buy these drinks in aluminum cans, keep in mind that they may contain some heavy metals. Drinking this soda dramatically increases your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. By the way, for this reason, drinks in plastic bottles and special devices are slightly less harmful.
To minimize the harm of soda, buy only fresh drinks. The more time has passed since the date of their manufacture, the worse
Drinking soda can also lead to hypoglycemia. The fact is that due to the high sugar content in this drink, the pancreas has to produce maximum doses of insulin in order to protect the body. After a while, the sugar level drops, and this leads to a deterioration in well-being. A person feels tired, weak and drowsy, becomes apathetic, lethargic. However, the problems do not end there: starting to drink soda again, a person will dramatically increase blood sugar levels. Constant jumps can provoke serious metabolic disorders. This is very dangerous for all people, but especially often problems arise when children drink soda. Unfortunately, if adults in some cases successfully cope with diseases, then the consequences for a growing organism can be not only very serious, but also irreversible.
Why is it bad to consume carbonated drinks?
The harm of carbonated drinks
People who drink more than 2 liters of sweet fizzy every day experience a severe deterioration in their well-being. They start to get tired quickly, their performance decreases sharply. In addition, over time, frequent bouts of nausea appear, and appetite is lost. All these unpleasant symptoms are associated with a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood, which is provoked by the frequent use of carbonated drinks.
Often, soda drinkers replace all other drinks with it, including milk and tea. The result is often the development of osteoporosis. It is especially dangerous for children and adolescents to drink effervescent instead of other drinks, because their body needs a lot of calcium, and the less the child gets, the higher the risk of increased bone fragility. It should also be borne in mind that many carbonated drinks act as a strong diuretic and accelerate the removal of fluid from the body.
Finally, doctors have found that regular consumption of soda increases blood pressure, which over time can lead not only to a deterioration in well-being, but also to serious health problems.
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