Why is the stomach, symptoms
How to identify the disease and eliminate its manifestations, we will tell in the article.
Overeating, running snacks, stress and other factors can lead to a serious problem – atony. A person has a feeling that the stomach is “standing”, that is. the food consumed is not digested and does not pass further. The disease is accompanied by other symptoms – bloating, nausea and bouts of vomiting.
“Standing” stomach: symptoms and causes
Atony is a disease that is caused by a complex of external and internal factors. These include:
bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse;
food on the run;
eating food in excessively large portions;
rigid diets;
constant stress;
instability of the nervous system;
transferred infections and others.
The feeling that the stomach is “standing” can occur in both an adult and a small child. The most susceptible to the disease are people with an asthenic body type, as well as those who work hard and constantly experience stress.
The first, most characteristic symptom of the problem is a feeling of heaviness. It seems to the patient that the food is “stuck” and is not being digested. More are added gradually signs of atony:
aching or stabbing pains in the abdomen;
bad breath;
loss of appetite;
temperature rise.
If these symptoms persist, do not self-medicate. See a doctor who will do the research and find out the root cause of the discomfort.
The feeling that the stomach is standing, delivers severe discomfort
What to do if the stomach is “standing”?
The surest way to combat atony is dieting. So you can return to normal health without a hospital and medication.
Follow these guidelines:
eat in small portions, but often: once every 1,5-2 hours;
exclude from the diet foods that stimulate gas formation: sweet, soda, beans;
give preference to mashed potatoes or chopped foods;
include soups in your diet.
ethnoscience gives helpful advice on how to get your stomach to work. For example, you can eat a tablespoon of dry milk thistle before each meal. Another effective recipe is oregano decoction. 10 g of a medicinal plant is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. The resulting liquid should be passed through cheesecloth and drink 1 tbsp. l. before breakfast and dinner.
To understand why the stomach is “standing”, only a doctor can do it. To do this, he conducts an examination of the patient, a survey and laboratory tests. If folk remedies and diet do not give an effect, do not waste time – contact a specialist who can prescribe you an effective treatment.
Physician-therapist, candidate of medical sciences
– If you have stomach problems, in order not to feel discomfort after eating, it is important to follow some rules. First, eat your dinner at your usual time to avoid heavy meals after midnight. The pancreas, which secretes enzymes and hormones necessary for digestion, rests at night. The correct order of meals also helps digestion. Start your dinner with a vegetable salad with oil and lemon dressing. Light food will fill the stomach. Second, vegetables are high in fiber, which will make you feel full. It will come in 20-25 minutes, when glucose enters the bloodstream and nerve impulses give the necessary signal to the brain. In order not to eat too much, drink a glass of plain still water in 20 minutes. The stomach will fill up and satiety will come faster.