Why is the heat harmful to us?

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High temperatures can be dangerous to health, especially if we do not follow important rules. Too much sun means you are burned, dehydrated, or have a stroke. In some cases, failure to help can be fatal.

  1. On hot days, we increase the daily fluid intake – we drink a minimum of three liters, preferably water with electrolytes or isotonic drinks
  2. Limited irrigation may result in dehydration. Its symptoms include limb cramps, intense vomiting and even loss of consciousness
  3. In the case of heat stroke, it is essential to cool the body, e.g. with wet fabrics
  4. – With dehydration or heat stroke, the risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney failure increases, warns family doctor Robert Sapa
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

We all know that excessive sunbathing causes accelerated aging of the skin, accelerates the development of certain types of cancer and can burn you. However, it also happens that we are exposed to the dangerous effects of the sun even without sunbathing. When the temperature exceeds 27 degrees Celsius, being outdoors can have dire consequences.


Prolonged exposure to high temperatures causes the body to heat up. A person begins to sweat intensely because this is how the body tries to cool down. When it takes too long, water and electrolytes are lost significantly.

– That is why you have to drink often, but not in large amounts, because after drinking half a liter of water at once, we will not be able to hydrate with the appropriate frequency. When it is hot, you should drink a minimum daily three liters of fluids Explains family doctor Rober Sapa. He adds that coffee is not a good drink for dehydration because it is a diuretic. Alcohol can also do more harm than help.

Examine the level of electrolytes in the body. Buy a survey at Medonet Market

The first sign of dehydration is intense thirst. Another is feeling agitated, anxious and anxious. To best satisfy your thirst, the best solution is to drink isotonic fluids or electrolytes. If we don’t have them, we can drink mineral water. In hot weather, carbonated water is better because the carbon dioxide contained in it prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

The rest of the text below the video.

If electrolytes are not replenished at the right time, limb cramps, intense vomiting and unconsciousness may occur. After you drink it, you should feel better within one to two hours. When you do not see any changes for the better, call a doctor, as such a condition may be associated with circulatory disorders. The situation becomes more complicated when the victim vomits and does not drink fluids. Professional medical help is then necessary – drip or injections.


Prolonged exposure to the sun can result in a stroke. Overheating of the body due to direct sunlight disrupts the mechanisms regulating the temperature in the body.

The first warning symptoms are fatigue, headache, dizziness, nausea, and anxiety. Then there may be high temperature, increased heart rate and respiratory rate. It may result in loss of consciousness and puts the patient’s life at risk. It is also dangerous to stay in an overheated room. – Remember, a child locked in a hot car may die – warns Dr. Sapa.

Not forgetting about hydration in summer, we offer Natjun green tea. Summer refreshment with mint and sunflower petals. It is available on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

In the event of a stroke, help should begin with cooling the body down. If the fever is very high, wrapping with damp fabrics is a good practice. When the temperature of the injured person reaches the value of 38,3-38,5 degrees Celsius, we stop cooling. The patient may be given cool liquids to drink, it may be water with a little salt. It is advisable to call for medical help as it may lead to circulatory disorders. “With dehydration or stroke, the risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney failure increases,” warns Dr. Sapa.

How to prevent heatstroke

  1. Laziness is the best way to deal with the heat. “Exercising on a hot day is really bad for your health,” says Dr. Sapa. On hot days, she advises you to rest more often, for example in the shade or in air-conditioned rooms.
  2. Elder people and with cardiovascular diseases, as well small children should limit going outside, especially between 10 and 15.
  3. Windows facing the sunny side when we are at home should be covered and closed. It is best to open them at night.
  4. It is good to take cool baths or showers.
  5. Do not eat hot meals. Lithuanian cold soup or gazpacho are a better idea for dinner than chicken soup.
  6. A light diet, consisting primarily of melons, watermelons and vegetables, and avoiding heavy meat dishes is best.
  7. If someone has to leave the house, he should dress in light, airy clothes.
  8. Robert Sapa also warns against getting into a hot car, where the temperature can be as high as 60 degrees C, as it may cause fainting while driving. Before we set off, the car needs to be aired and the temperature lowered.
  9. When using air conditioning, we should also remember that the temperature difference between the surroundings and the car may be around 6-7 degrees C.

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We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to self-compassion – a trend that has developed very strongly in the United States, but is still in its infancy in Poland. What is it and how does it affect our daily functioning? You will hear about this and many other issues related to self-compassion in the latest episode of our podcast.

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