In real life, an eye painted somewhere on a gate or on a stone wall can have many meanings. It is also a symbol of a hiding place, video surveillance or the emblem of a secret order. In any case, we immediately see a hint of some important information, a secret or a search for truth.
Of course, a dream in which one has to see the eye also acquires a sacred meaning for each of us. Why alone? The second can be covered with a bandage, covered with a hat … Or it is a drawing on some surface in a dream. In any case, you will not be interested in the meaning of this sign by chance: most often it warns of some kind of danger in real life, issues a warning, as if saying: “look at both.” We have studied the most popular dream books of interpreters of different eras and views, and tell you what the eye is dreaming of.
Sonnik Miller
The interpreter believes that such a dream should be taken as a warning that there are many ill-wishers around who are plotting and plotting. They closely monitor your every move and do everything to ruin your business. For a lover, such a dream marks the presence of a serious rival who is trying to deceive the couple.
Anxious events and troubles portend the loss of an eye in a dream. If a one-eyed man appears in a vision, this is a sure sign of future serious troubles and even misfortune.
But a conflict with the law predicts a dream in which the eye is following you. Everything is allegorical here: in reality, you are also being closely watched and are already ready to present bills for past sins.
Dream Maya
If you see the eye of an animal in a dream, know that you have a strong spiritual patron who will help you in good deeds. Say “thank you” to your guardian angel often and enjoy the fact that everything works out the way you want.
If your eye itches or hurts in a dream, look around – it seems that someone is paying too much attention to your affairs and clearly not with good intentions. The Indians advised on such occasions to wear green and possibly emerald jewelry.
Psychological dream book
The dreaming eye symbolizes your inner fear of being in front of everyone. In life, you are a very secretive person who is afraid to show his own weakness and feelings. On the one hand, this makes you protected, on the other hand, a constant life in fear and tension does not allow you to reach your full potential and achieve all your goals. Just try to relax a little and devote more time to yourself, forgetting for a while about those who supposedly constantly watch you.
If you dream of losing an eye, it portends vain labors. You will have to put a lot of effort into some business that will still not be successful. But diseased organs of vision are a sure sign that disturbing events are coming in life, and sad news will soon come to light.
Wangi’s Dream
The soothsayer is sure that this is one of the most mysterious and mysterious symbols that promises a meeting with a secret or the disclosure of some secrets. If the eye relentlessly follows you, then you are under the control of higher forces and any of your actions are controlled by them. If you see a person with a missing eye, in reality you will face a serious illness, problems that will be extremely difficult to solve.
If tears flow from the eye, this is, on the contrary, a good dream that predicts that there will come time for small joys in life, they will bring relief and hope, you will be able to meet good people who inspire and revitalize you.
Dream Interpretation of Freud
Such a dream speaks of a tendency to excessive narcissism. It is the main driving force in all your actions and aspirations. But at the same time, you forget to take into account the interests of other people, which means you lose friends and colleagues, like-minded people, and turn others against you. Of course, self-love is an absolute rule, but exceptions must be made to it.
If you see a gouged eye, this indicates that two personalities are literally fighting inside you, two diametrically opposed views on life. And you can not decide in any way, in accordance with what you need to continue to behave further. However, your inner self is already tired of this struggle and is signaling with might and main that it is time to make a choice.
A loss of interest in life is foreshadowed by a dream in which you are left without sight, you clearly feel the absence of an eye. Perhaps your outlook on life will change and your priorities will become almost diametrically opposed.
Dreamer of Dmitry and Hopes of Winter
The eye watching you in a dream indicates that you have a rival in life. Personal life or career, it doesn’t matter. Just know that he is very attentive to everything that you do and is only waiting for you to stumble even for a minute – because at that moment he will have a huge influence on you.
But the dreaming glass eye is a warning that someone may misunderstand your actions and be outraged by them. If you encounter such an attitude, be prepared to calmly explain yourself.
In general, a dream in which there is only one eye, and it seems more like a symbol than just one of the standard sense organs, is a way to draw your attention to your own inner world. This is a complex matter that requires deep immersion and study. It is you who should become for yourself the most desired mystery that needs to be unraveled. And, looking into your soul, you will definitely find strength there that will help you achieve everything you want.
esoteric Dream Book
Such a dream portends help from above in an important and almost hopeless business for you. If somewhere above you see a dark and even almost black eye, this is a sign that you need to take a closer look at your behavior and reconsider your outlook on life, because negative energy is accumulating around you.
Injured eye in a dream – some imminent events will literally knock the ground out from under your feet.
Sonn of Nostradamus
The predictor perceived this symbol rather as a negative one. In his opinion, this is a sign of purposeful hatred. You have enemies and they are waiting for the slightest mistake to pounce on you. You have a dangerous rival at work or in love, and he has trump cards that can seriously ruin your life. But do not give up: if you give a fight, you can change the situation and pull the blanket over yourself.
If you saw a blue eye in a dream, you will be powerless in the face of trouble. Brown – face the betrayal of loved ones. Gray – you are at the mercy of a flatterer who did not bother to tell you the truth. The delusion into which he introduces you can be very dangerous. Losing an eye is a signal of impending problems. If someone has one eye, financial losses await you.
Astrologer’s comment
Elena Kuznetsova, Vedic astrologer:
The eye is a symbol of spiritual knowledge, enlightenment and the discovery of truth. Such a dream indicates that your subconscious mind is ready to move to a higher energy level. Perhaps you lack peace and confidence in your life, you are too confused in current affairs and petty problems and do not find time for spiritual and personal growth. Unfortunately, all this negatively affects your life. You fuss, run, but in the end you don’t come anywhere and don’t achieve the desired result. In order to break out of the vicious circle, stop and take care of yourself. The eye that appeared in a dream calls for exactly this. The time you spend on yourself will definitely come back a hundredfold. By overcoming internal disagreements, you will become wiser and find the strength in yourself not only to move further in life, but also to achieve absolutely dizzying success.