Why is the coronavirus more attacking children now? Two main reasons
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– The fourth wave has the highest number of cases among children so far – pediatrician Aneta Górska-Kot recently spoke on TVN24. Although most children have COVID-19 mildly, there are more and more serious cases, and unfortunately there are also deaths. When to suspect a child may have contracted the coronavirus? What symptoms may he experience? What to do when a child feels unwell? Thanks to this knowledge, we can avoid a tragedy.

  1. There is information from many countries around the world about the increase in the number of coronavirus infections among children. In countries where children are frequently tested, they account for up to half of those infected Dr. Lidia Stopyra, a pediatrician, points out.
  2. Most children get the infection mildly, but the reports of children in critical illness in hospitals increase month by month. A few days ago, we informed about a 10-year-old who is under a respirator in a hospital in Gdańsk. Several months old children are dying
  3. How is SARS-CoV-2 infection manifested in a child? What symptoms do parents need to be particularly alert to? We have compiled the information and indications of doctors below
  4. More important information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Why are children more COVID-19 more likely now? Two main reasons

At the start of the pandemic, it seemed that children very rarely get COVID-19. – Coronavirus has been estimated to be 1-3 percent. children – mentioned in one of the interviews pediatrician and contagious doctor Lidia Stopyra. – It quickly turned out otherwise. World data indicated about 10 percent. (these data included only tested children). In countries where children are tested very often, it actually turns out that they constitute 30-50% of infections. all infected – notes Lidia Stopyra.

  1. COVID-19. On December 16, vaccinations in children 5-11 years old will start. Are you for or against? [PROBE]

Currently, many countries report the observed increase in the number of coronavirus infections among children. This is e.g. in France, Great Britain, Canada, Australia. Also in the USA, where from the end of June to mid-August the number of hospitalizations of children and adolescents increased almost fivefold, and among children under five this indicator increased tenfold. The Kaiser Family Foundation (which deals, among other things, with health policy analyzes) showed that in August and September, COVID-19 was the sixth cause of death among children between the ages of five and 15.

Recently, Aneta Górska-Kot, the head of the pediatric ward at the Warsaw hospital at Niekłańska Street, said on TVN24 that the fourth wave is the one with the highest number of cases among children. One cannot forget about the acute complications of the coronavirus – mainly the so-called PIMS, which is a direct threat to life.

– At the moment, the coronavirus has shown its more dangerous face when it comes to children – said the head of the children’s infectious ward in Lublin, Dr. Barbara Hasiec, MD, Ph.D. Why? Two possible reasons are indicated. The first is the emergence of more contagious variants like Delta. The second is the lack of vaccinations.

COVID-19 in children. List of possible symptoms

So let’s remember that a child of any age can get sick with COVID-19. Most will get the infection relatively mildly, recovering within one to two weeks. Which child will be in this group? This, unfortunately, cannot be predicted. What symptoms might my baby have COVID-19? The list of possible symptoms is included in the prestigious Mayo Clinic (the organization conducts research and clinical activities, as well as integrated patient care). These are:

  1. Fever
  2. Cough
  3. Loss of taste or smell
  4. Sore throat
  5. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, stomach pain or diarrhea
  6. Dreszcze
  7. Muscle aches
  8. Strong fatigue
  9. Severe headache
  10. Stuffed nose
  11. Skin changes, e.g. discoloration on the feet and hands

Dr. Stopyra notes that COVID-19 is very common in the form of laryngitis or sinusitis.

How to distinguish a coronavirus infection from a cold? The best way

As you can see from the list above, most of the symptoms of COVID-19 closely resemble the course of the common cold. Is there a good way to distinguish diseases from one another at an early stage? Is. Unfortunately, this cannot be done by observing the symptoms. The only sure tool is the test. In one of the interviews given to Medonet, Dr. Lidia Stopyra spoke about it.

– We are able to make an early diagnosis only on the basis of a coronavirus test. That is why it is so important not to give up on it, not to be afraid of it – the doctor reassures, reminding at the same time that children are a group which is very little tested. – We see the scale of this phenomenon perfectly every day. The fact that a toddler had COVID-19 often becomes apparent only when serious complications appear – PIMS symptoms admits.

In a recent interview, Dr. Stopyra drew attention to an important point: – I would like to emphasize a very important point. Currently, in the face of such a large number of infections, any infectious symptoms in a child are a reason to suspect a coronavirus infection, so make a test.

What to do when you suspect a child has COVID-19? The pediatrician advises

– If there are no serious symptoms, a parent should contact a primary health care physician who, depending on the situation, will order a coronavirus test or a direct appointment – explains Lidia Stopyra and reminds. – If the child has mild symptoms that are dealt with by the parent at home, we do not take him to the clinic, night / holiday care or ED – isolation and testing are key at this point.

Of course, this does not apply if the child has a high fever, severe cough or shortness of breath. – Then we call an ambulance or go with him to the clinic or hospital – instructs the specialist.

The question is how best to protect a child from COVID-19 infection and its complications. The answer is clear: by immunizing the child. Especially that, as our expert points out, we cannot use other measures to protect against the coronavirus in the case of young children. – After all, the little ones are very spontaneous and mobile. It is difficult to expect them to wear masks or to keep their distance.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Parents who still hesitate to instill a child are reminded of the words of Dr. Stopyra: – Virtually every child who is not immunized will become ill. In this epidemiological situation, there is no doubt about it. Most will get through this infection relatively mildly. Whether it will be my child – no parent can be so sure. However, it may also happen that the child’s health and life will be at risk. When a toddler’s condition deteriorates, we never know in what direction it will develop. In the USA, several hundred children died due to COVID-19, and several dozen in Poland. Let this be a warning to all parents – the doctor warns (the whole interview: Dr. Stopyra warns: every child who is not vaccinated will become ill).

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